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DOWNTOWN SANTA ANA BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT <br />2022 ASSESSMENT REPORT <br />Background <br />On February 6, 1984, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. NS-1715 pursuant to Section 36500, et seq., <br />of the 1979 State of California Streets and Highways Code, creating a Business Improvement District (BID) <br />in Downtown Santa Ana. On October 6, 2003, the City Council appointed the Community Redevelopment <br />and Housing Commission (CRHC) as the Downtown Santa Ana Business Improvement District Advisory <br />Board. As the BID Advisory Board, the CRHC, now known as the Community Development Commission <br />(CDC)is responsible for making recommendations to the City Council on the expenditure of revenues derived <br />from the levy of assessments, on the classification of businesses, as applicable, and on the method and basis <br />of levying the assessments (including the annual budget). <br />The BID was established as a means of providing the Downtown business community with the funding to <br />promote the Downtown through events and advertising pieces; funding to increase security and enhance the <br />overall aesthetics of the area; and also to maintain the downtown shopping corridors. <br />Improvement Area Boundaries <br />The geographic boundaries of the district remain unchanged from the original 1984 area, and they include <br />over 500 retail, service, and professional members (see Exhibit 2). <br />Assessment Formula <br />The formula for the BID tax levy also remains unchanged from the original 1984 ordinance and is based on <br />the category and/or sales volumes of the business (see Attachment A). <br />2022 Budget Plan <br />Based on the feedback from the two Associations, Downtown Inc. and the Santa Ana Business Council, the <br />2022 BID Budget focuses on the continuation of promotions and marketing of the BID. Some of the promotion <br />and marketing will be focused on Downtown event s and advertising pieces, which are all designed to enhance <br />the overall aesthetics of the area and also to maintain the downtown shopping corridors. Detailed breakdowns <br />of the two groups’ budgets are attached (Attachment B). The assessments from the 2022 BID are estimated <br />at $200,000 to be split evenly by Downtown Inc. and the Santa Ana Business Council—the two business <br />groups that have spearheaded this BID process. Any remaining funds from the previous year will be <br />incorporated into a reserve fund for the groups’ 2022 budgets. This reserve funding may be used for additional <br />events and promotions throughout the year. <br />In 2022, the two representative business associations are proposing to host several events, some special <br />events may be virtual (pending COVID-19 regulations for special events), promotion of outdoor dining and <br />retail sales, and general promotion and marketing of the Downtown, as well as some traditional annual events <br />that will be safe for community members to attend, including: <br />BID-FUNDED OR PARTLY BID-FUNDED ACTIVITIES <br />ADMINISTRATION <br />●Coordination of the BID including maintaining the interconnectivity and infrastructure, collectivizing <br />downtown efforts, program and project management, and supporting downtown’s role as a vital <br />community, cultural and economic engine <br />MARKETING PROGRAMS <br />●Weekly Newsletter <br />●Social Media Accounts (@DtsantaAna, @CalleCuatroDTSA) <br />EXHIBIT 1