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projects incorporate mitigation measures to reduce air pollutant emissions during <br />operational activities. The identified measures shall be included as part of the <br />conditions of approval. Possible mitigation measures to reduce long-term emissions <br />could include, but are not limited to the following: <br />• For site -specific development that require refrigerated vehicles, the construction <br />documents shall demonstrate an adequate number of electrical service <br />connections at loading docks for plug-in for the anticipated number of refrigerated <br />trailers to reduce idling time and emissions. <br />• Applicants for manufacturing and light industrial uses shall consider energy <br />storage and combined heat and power in appropriate applications to optimize <br />renewable energy generation systems and avoid peak energy use. <br />• Site -specific developments with truck delivery and loading areas and truck parking <br />spaces shall include signage as a reminder to limit idling of vehicles while parked <br />for loading/unloading in accordance with California Air Resources Board Rule 2845 <br />(13 CCR Chapter 10 § 2485). <br />• Provide changing/shower facilities as specified in Section A5.106.4.3 of the <br />CALGreen Code (Nonresidential Voluntary Measures). <br />• Provide bicycle parking facilities per Section A4.106.9 (Residential Voluntary <br />Measures) of the CALGreen Code. <br />• Provide preferential parking spaces for low -emitting, fuel -efficient, and carpool/van <br />vehicles per Section A5.106.5.1 of the CALGreen Code (Nonresidential Voluntary <br />Measures). <br />• Provide facilities to support electric charging stations per Section A5.106.5.3 <br />(Nonresidential Voluntary Measures) and Section A5.106.8.2 (Residential <br />Voluntary Measures) of the CALGreen Code. <br />• Applicant -provided appliances (e.g., dishwashers, refrigerators, clothes washers, <br />and dryers) shall be Energy Star —certified appliances or appliances of equivalent <br />energy efficiency. Installation of Energy Star —certified or equivalent appliances <br />shall be verified by Building & Safety during plan check. <br />• Applicants for future development projects along existing and planned transit <br />routes shall coordinate with the City of Santa Ana and Orange County Transit <br />Authority to ensure that bus pad and shelter improvements are incorporated, as <br />appropriate. <br />Finding <br />Finding 3. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the GPU that avoid <br />or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the PEIR. These <br />changes are identified in the form of the mitigation measure above. The City of Santa Ana hereby <br />Santa Ana General Plan Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement <br />Of Overriding Considerations -38- <br />October 2021 <br />