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Item 37 - EIR No. 2020-03 and GPA No.2020-06 Santa Ana General Plan Update
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
12/07/2021 Regular
Item 37 - EIR No. 2020-03 and GPA No.2020-06 Santa Ana General Plan Update
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EIR No. 2020-03 and GPA No.2020-06 Santa Ana General Plan Update <br />February 15, 2022 <br />Page 8 <br />improving quality of life and the environment as a whole. This Element will guide the City <br />in its efforts to prioritize sustainability and enhance the environment for current and future <br />generations. <br />The Core Values reinforce the City's commitment to enable all persons to enjoy equal <br />access to healthy environments, healthy food, parks and recreational facilities, and civic <br />engagement opportunities. However, the City recognizes that throughout Santa Ana's <br />communities, some bear a disproportionate burden of pollution and associated health <br />risks. As a result, this element also addresses environmental justice issues within <br />disadvantaged communities, which aims to correct inequity by reducing pollution and <br />increasing public investment in the communities most affected while ensuring their <br />participation and input is considered in decision making -process. <br />There are 4 goals, 39 policies and 39 implementation items associated with this element. <br />This Element is a State mandated Element <br />Open Space Element. Open space is a limited and valuable resource, providing multiple <br />benefits to those living and working in Santa Ana. Open space provides a place of <br />relaxation and reprieve from the urban environment. Open space also offers places to <br />gather, celebrate, learn or exercise, whether alone, with friends or family, or with other <br />members of the community. Open space is so important that its presence or absence <br />can profoundly shape the physical, social, mental and economic health, and overall well- <br />being of the community. <br />The purpose of the Open Space Element is to identify and preserve open space areas <br />that provide value to the community and enrich the quality of life. Such lands or waters <br />provide value in the form of recreation, health, biodiversity, wildlife conservation and <br />aesthetics. Additionally, open spaces are used for climate change, mitigation and <br />adaption, flood risk reduction, managed natural resources production, agricultural <br />production, and protection from hazardous conditions. The Open Space Element will <br />guide the City in its efforts to plan for open space and public parklands in what is largely <br />a built -out, urban environment. Through this element, opportunities for capturing <br />additional open space and public parkland standards in the City is discussed. <br />There are 3 goals, 36 policies and 32implementation items associated with this Element. <br />This Element is a State mandated element. <br />Noise Element. The purpose of the Noise Element is to appraise noise levels in the <br />community, prepare noise contours to guide land use decisions, and establish measures <br />that address current and future noise impacts. This Element works to ensure that the City <br />limits the exposure of the community to excessive noise levels in noise -sensitive areas <br />and at noise -sensitive times of day. This Element works in tandem with other Elements <br />of the General Plan, such as the Mobility Element, which contains policies related to the <br />mitigation of transportation related noise. <br />There are 3 goals, 10 policies and 20 implementation items associated with this Element. <br />This Element is one of the State mandated elements. <br />
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