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Ordinance No. NS-XXX <br />Page 3 of 5 3 <br />sole responsibility of the applicant to prepare and distribute this <br />notice. <br /> <br /> (d) Notice content. The notice shall include the time, place and date of <br />the community meeting; a map depicting the location of the subject <br />property, including the properties contained within the notification <br />boundary; a brief description of the project; and the applicant's <br />contact information. The notice shall be written in English and <br />Spanish and include instructions as to how to request language <br />interpretation services for those wishing to have interpretation during <br />the community meeting in languages other than English. <br /> <br /> (e) Community meeting time and place. The cCommunity meetings shall <br />be held either on a weeknight during the early evening hours or on a <br />Saturday. The meetings shall be held in any facility that is accessible <br />to the public and that is no more than one (1) mile from the project <br />site. Should there not be any such facilities available in the required <br />area, the applicant may arrange, at their own expense and subject <br />to availability, to use the next closest city facility. <br /> <br /> (f) Community meeting language interpretation. Should the applicant <br />receive a written request for language interpretation services no later <br />than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting, it shall be the <br />applicant's responsibility to arrange for such services to be available <br />at the community meeting. <br /> <br /> (g) Community meetings format and content. During the community <br />meetings the applicant shall give a presentation detailing the <br />components of the proposed development project and a description <br />of any impacts or benefits to the community, and provide contact <br />information so that members of the public can contact them for <br />further information. The applicant shall allow enough time for the <br />attendees to ask questions and provide input. The applicant shall <br />prepare detailed minutes of the meetings including a written record <br />of the comments provided by the community members. <br /> <br /> (h) Providing information to city after community meeting. Not moreless <br />than four (4) days following the last community meeting, the <br />developer shall submit to the city an affidavit under penalty of perjury <br />that the required community meetings wereas held in compliance <br />with this section and will submit copies of all notices, notification lists, <br />site postings, advertisements, or other communications used to <br />publicize the meetings. The applicant shall also provide to the city a <br />copy of the minutes and the written record of, and response to, the <br />public comments made at theach community meeting. The public <br />input will be made part of the public record and included as <br />attachments to planning commission staff reports. <br /> <br /> (i) [Notice.] Notice of planning commission public hearings shall be in <br />conformance with the requirements provided in subsection 2-153(c),