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Item 34 - Police Oversight Informational Report
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
09/07/2021 Regular
Item 34 - Police Oversight Informational Report
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Last modified
8/17/2023 1:40:53 PM
Creation date
8/17/2023 1:40:26 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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Please add any comments below regarding your thoughts on police oversight. <br />It's about time there was police oversight. I applied for a position with this pd and they <br />put me under a permanent 24 hr surveillance which is a waste of taxpayers money. I <br />have filed numerous complaints and the Santa Ana PD never does anything about this. <br />This PD has employees stationed in my neighborhood and I live miles away from the city <br />of Santa Ana. They use the pretext of doing background checks when in reality they are <br />wasting taxpayers money, violating my rights and my neighbors rights to be free of <br />unlawful harassment, intimidating innocent people, and violating HIPAA rules. It is <br />apparent some of the Santa Ana PD employees enjoy sitting all day behind surveillance <br />equipment wasting taxpayers money. It's time santa ana pd stopped playing around <br />with high tech surveillance equipment and dedicated themselves to doing their job <br />which is what is expected and what they're paid for. Santa Ana PD has not been called or <br />even needed in my neighborhood. I am an advocate of police oversight to ensure <br />corrupt employees are removed from their positions and replaced with employees who <br />are actually willing to do their job. Some of the employees involved in this wasteful <br />surveillance include Irma Vasquez, Lorenzo Carrillo, Eric Demopoulos, Marlene, Tina, a <br />woman named Elizabeth, and a man named Scott. <br />For the survey, perhaps further expand on the definition of the proposed community <br />oversight. Additionally, a civilian police oversight team SHOULD work with local activist <br />organizations. Consider a police oversight department a possibility ALONGSIDE police <br />defunding and reallocating of resources to other public sectors including parks and <br />recreation, arts, and education <br />Do not defund the police <br />This would have to be an independent department (not influenced by the PD or City <br />Council). <br />We oppose this and believe in our police department’s ability to carry out their duties <br />with honor and therefor would not need to be micromanaged by such a committee. <br />I believe that it is needed and welcomed by Santa Ana residents. <br />It's a bad idea abandon the whole idea <br />I think oversight is only as good as the knowledge, understanding of laws and rights, and <br />the intentions of those serving. Working in law enforcement, one should expect to be <br />held accountable for one's actions. However, being used as a scapegoat for political <br />purposes or crucified because of people's ignorance serves no good purpose. The law <br />enforcement profession will find it hard to recruit quality applicants if they fear they may <br />be the sacrificial lamb every time a cop somewhere in the nation screws up.. <br />Any oversight should not be to scrutinize police or degrade them, that should be held in <br />utmost awareness. <br />Given the state of policing across the entire U.S., I believe it's incredibly important to <br />have citizen oversight that includes all the powers necessary to ensure police officers are <br />kept accountable for their actions. This is also important to counter the power that <br />police unions often abuse to protect officers from consequences.
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