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HRCA No. 2021-13, HRC 2021-13, HPPA No. 2021-12 – The Ida C. Wiesseman House <br />July 1, 2021 <br />Page 4 <br />1 <br />8 <br />0 <br />6 <br />notices were sent to all property owners within 500 feet of the project site. At the time of <br />this printing, no correspondence, either written or electronic, has been received from <br />any members of the public. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines, <br />the project is exempt from further review pursuant to Section 15331 of the CEQA <br />Guidelines (Class 31 – Historical Resource Restoration/Rehabilitation) as these actions <br />are designed to preserve historic resources. Based on this analysis, a Notice of <br />Exemption, Environmental Review No. 2021-61 will be filed for this project. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />The Historic Property Preservation Agreement will reduce the Property Tax revenue <br />account 01102002-50011 to the City by an estimated $824.67 annually, for a period of <br />not less than ten years. <br />EXHIBIT(S) <br />1. Resolution <br />2. Mills Act Agreement <br />3. 500-Foot Radius Map <br />Submitted By: <br />Pedro Gomez, AICP, Associate Planner <br />Approved By: <br />Minh Thai, Executive Director of Planning and Building Agency, Planning and Building <br />Agency <br />Historic Resources Commission 3 –4 7/1/2021