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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />Eisen-Glasser House <br />2206 North Freeman Street <br />Santa Ana, CA 92706 <br />NAME Eisen-Glasser House REF. NO. <br />ADDRESS 2206 North Freeman Street <br />CITY Santa Ana ZIP 92706 ORANGE COUNTY <br />YEAR BUILT 1956 LOCAL REGISTER CATEGORY: Contributive <br />HISTORIC DISTRICT N/A NEIGHBORHOOD West Floral Park <br />CALIFORNIA REGISTER CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION C/3 CALIFORNIA REGISTER STATUS CODE 5S3 <br />Location: Not for Publication Unrestricted <br /> Prehistoric Historic Both <br />ARCHITECTURAL STYLE: Ranch House <br />Widely published in Sunset and House Beautiful magazines, the Ranch House dominated post-World War II residential <br />expansion and represented the most popular house form in the United States from the 1950s through 1970s. The Ranch <br />House originated in the 1930’s designs of Southern California architect Cliff May, who sought to reinvent the West’s <br />vernacular housing traditions by combining the form and massing of the traditional ranch house with a modernist’s concern <br />for informality, expressed in materials and plan, and indoor-outdoor integration. <br />While the style includes several variants, a basic set of character-defining features applies to most examples. In form and <br />massing, the style evokes a sprawling ranch that developed over time, with a central block extended by wings of varying <br />roof heights. Generally L-shaped or U-shaped in plan, the Ranch House typically has a one-story profile with strong <br />horizontal emphasis expressed through a low pitched or flat roof with wide overhanging eaves. Characteristic features of <br />the house include its horizontality, keynoted by a low-pitched gabled and hipped roof; rusticity, epitomized by the <br />combination of wide wood lap siding with board and batten; and picturesque fenestration, notably two pairs of wood-framed, <br />diamond-paned, double-hung sash windows on the façade. <br />SUMMARY/CONCLUSION: <br />The Eisen-Glasser House qualifies for listing in the Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties under Criterion 1 for <br />embodiment of the distinguishing characteristics of the Ranch House style. It is also notable for its association with the <br />Glasser family, who were prominent members of the Jewish community in Santa Ana. Additionally, the house has been <br />categorized as “Contributive” because it contributes to the character and history of West Floral Park and is a good example <br />of Ranch style architecture (Santa Ana Municipal Code, Section 30-2.2). <br />EXPLANATION OF CODES: <br /> California Register Criteria for Evaluation: (From California Office of Historic Preservation, Technical Assistance <br />Series # 7, “How to Nominate Resources to the California Register of Historical Resources,” September 4, 2001.) <br />3:It embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or <br />represents the work of a master, or possesses high artistic values. <br /> It embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or represents the <br />work of a master, or possesses high artistic values. <br />5S3:Appears to be individually eligible for local listing or designation through survey evaluation. <br />Historic Resources Commission 5 –17 7/1/2021