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<br />24 <br /> <br />4826-7904-2280v7/200434-0005 <br />See the caption “—City Financial Statements” for a discussion of the City’s audited financial statements <br />for Fiscal Year 2020. <br />The General Fund is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all financial <br />resources except those that are required to be accounted for in another fund. All general revenues collected by <br />the City are accounted for in the General Fund or in one of twelve other self-restricted funds maintained by the <br />City (the “Self-Restricted Funds”). Historically, the Self-Restricted Funds have represented approximately 6% <br />of total general revenues. Amounts in the General Fund are available to pay debt service on the Bonds. In <br />addition, amounts in the Self-Restricted Funds are available to pay debt service on the Bonds upon action by the <br />City Council to unrestrict any or all of such funds. <br />Though certain portions of the information set forth in this Official Statement relate only to the General <br />Fund, the tables below set forth certain historical and current Fiscal Year budget and audited information for the <br />General Fund and the Self-Restricted Funds. Additional information on the General Fund and the Self-Restricted <br />Funds of the City as of June 30, 2020 is set forth in Appendix A. <br />The information presented in Tables 9, 10, and 11 below combines the activity for both the General <br />Fund and the Self-Restricted Funds, with the General Fund encompassing over ninety five percent (95%) of both <br />the revenues and expenditures. Beginning with the audited financials for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2021, <br />the City will be presenting the General Fund separately from the Self-Restricted Funds. Furthermore, the City’s <br />annual continuing disclosure filing due March 31, 2022 and going forward will also include the General Fund <br />presented separately from the Self-Restricted Funds. See “CONTINUING DISCLOSURE” for a discussion of <br />the continuing disclosure undertaking to be entered into by the City in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. <br />Fiscal Policies <br />The City has adopted several financial policies in order to provide financial stability. <br />Reserve Policy. In 2021, the City updated a formal budget and reserve policy (the “Reserve Policy”), <br />which provides guidelines for a balanced budget approach, use of one-time funds, and appropriate reserve levels <br />as recommended by the Government Finance Officers Association. During Fiscal Year 2021, the City continued <br />to maintain a reserve for the General Fund, which totaled approximately $58.2 million, totaling approximately <br />18% of annual recurring revenue required by the Reserve Policy. <br />Debt Management Policy. The City’s Debt Management Policy is intended to comply with the Senate <br />Bill 1029 Amendment to the California Government Code Section 8855(i), effective on January 1, 2017, and <br />governs all debt undertaken by the City, including debt issued by the City on behalf of third parties. Third-party <br />debt includes assessment districts and community facilities districts, as well as conduit debt. <br />Pension Funding Policy. The City’s Unfunded Employee Pension Liability Cost Reduction Policy <br />outlines cost reduction strategies such as the targeted application of additional discretionary payments, as well <br />as acceptable parameters for issuing pension obligation bonds. <br />Budget Procedure, Current Budget and Historical Budget Information <br />General. The City’s budgetary process is guided by the City Council’s priorities, with input from <br />residents, neighborhood groups, boards, commissions and businesses following neighborhood meetings and <br />various year-round opportunities for suggestions and comments. Annual budgets are adopted on a basis that is <br />consistent with generally accepted accounting principles for governmental funds, except that encumbrances are <br />shown in the year incurred for budgetary purposes. All annual appropriations lapse at fiscal year-end. <br />The City uses the following procedures in establishing the annual budget: In November, budget <br />instructions and budget assumptions are distributed to all departmental budget liaisons to incorporate within their