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27 4826-7904-2280v7/200434-0005 TABLE 9 City of Santa Ana General Fund and Self-Restricted Funds Budgets and Results Fiscal Year 2019 Final Budget Actual Fiscal Year 2019 Results Fiscal Year 2020 Final Budget Actual Fiscal Year 2020 Results Fiscal Year 2021 Final Budget Estimated Fiscal Year 2021 Results Adopted Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Revenues Taxes(1) $ 136,412,547 $ 142,002,496 $ 145,366,534 $ 151,190,715 $ 158,835,012 $ 159,818,073 $ 165,544,140 Licenses and Permits 13,012,858 9,946,891 4,599,600 5,215,322 6,579,685 7,326,434 5,901,600 Intergovernmental(2) 69,083,028 67,951,954 112,001,100 110,861,657 113,577,380 124,502,389 121,803,800 Charges for Services 17,234,222 16,776,893 17,794,300 17,460,104 14,533,810 14,415,135 17,906,370 Fines and Forfeitures 4,822,970 5,651,372 4,863,000 5,916,559 5,605,810 4,706,184 5,523,510 Investment Income 594,056 2,179,290 618,000 1,981,897 463,000 489,807 360,000 Cost Recoveries and Donations 11,535,365 12,044,426 14,196,440 13,740,176 13,052,630 12,058,565 12,572,980 Rental Income 17,034,912 16,848,228 16,016,800 16,714,523 16,341,896 15,337,813 16,964,420 Miscellaneous 2,197,619 2,130,677 118,860 121,356 690,280 815,895 _______243,000 Total Revenues $ 271,927,577 $ 275,532,227 $ 315,574,634 $ 323,202,309 $ 329,679,503 $ 339,470,295 $ 346,819,820 Expenditures General Government City Council $ 451,615 $ 448,942 $ 570,847 $ 486,568 $ 489,780 $ 489,780 $ 569,280 Clerk of the Council 1,399,242 1,306,248 2,407,420 1,720,280 1,457,539 1,310,026 1,470,790 City Attorney 3,496,887 3,312,443 3,645,226 3,091,974 4,021,402 4,021,402 3,674,080 City Manager 2,536,336 2,536,336 2,836,752 1,827,255 2,140,880 2,140,880 3,024,200 Nondepartmental(3) 2,938,990 4,158,270 39,178,562 38,195,457 43,450,216 ____43,450,016 48,569,680 Total General Government $ 10,823,070 $ 11,762,239 $ 48,638,807 $ 45,321,534 $ 51,559,817 $ 51,412,104 $ 57,308,030 Human Resources 2,019,412 1,858,518 2,803,071 2,070,213 3,059,931 2,548,264 3,455,190 Finance and Management Services 6,489,424 6,073,730 10,516,761 8,696,994 9,909,256 9,909,256 10,746,450 Museum 1,476,130 1,472,784 1,473,430 1,472,977 1,473,430 1,473,430 1,474,030 Library 4,124,057 4,253,772 5,324,484 4,304,748 5,220,489 4,989,229 6,405,550 Recreation and Community Services 18,498,071 17,734,237 23,069,161 18,900,061 24,465,349 24,465,349 27,009,010 Police Department 132,564,362 132,101,981 135,267,602 133,356,220 136,878,479 136,878,479 142,491,110 Fire Department 52,925,536 52,410,181 46,437,190 47,480,567 47,533,977 47,033,977 52,342,190 Planning and Building 16,450,617 11,952,215 18,169,562 12,991,719 20,888,065 18,030,645 20,240,050 Public Works 9,879,669 8,481,824 12,022,170 10,044,017 13,819,506 13,051,670 13,729,470 Community Development 2,072,488 1,772,463 4,709,650 2,910,203 4,412,874 3,947,335 4,007,130 246,499,766 238,111,705 $ 259,793,081 $ 242,227,719 $ 267,661,356 $ 262,327,634 $ 81,900,180 Capital Outlay 3,106,761 7,250,711 11,715,132 7,071,511 13,328,631 5,637,037 8,589,710 Debt Service Principal Retirement 2,188,511 1,298,230 2,534,821 1,871,017 2,243,833 2,243,833 3,473,230 Interest and Fiscal Charges 210,255 337,279 175,800 573,995 557,600 57,600 138,700 Total Expenditures $ 262,828,363 $ 258,760,164 $ 322,857,641 $ 297,065,776 $ 335,351,237 $ 322,178,208 $ 351,409,850 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures $ 9,099,214 $ 16,772,063 $ (7,283,007) $ 26,136,533 $ (5,671,734) $ 17,292,087 $ (4,590,030) Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers In $ -- $ 31,889 $ 6,600,000 $ 6,632,780 $ -- $ -- $ -- Transfers Out (10,758,076) (10,752,807) (10,757,640) (10,757,640) (11,541,090) (11,541,090) (10,864,810) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) $ (10,758,076) $ (10,720,918) $ (4,157,640) $ (4,124,860) $ (11,541,090) $ (11,541,090) $ (10,864,810) Net Change in Fund Balances $ (1,658,862) $ 6,051,145 $ (11,440,647) $ 22,011,673 $ (17,212,824) $ 5,750,997 $ (15,454,840) Fund Balances – Beginning $ 69,361,083 $ 69,361,083 $ 75,412,228 $ 75,412,228 $ 97,423,901 $ 97,423,901 $ 103,174,898