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<br />39 <br />4826-7904-2280v7/200434-0005 <br />Inactive employees currently receiving benefits 437 <br />Inactive employees entitled to but not yet receiving benefit payments 83 <br />Active employees 490 <br />Total 1,010 <br /> <br />Source: City’s Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2020. <br />OPEB Benefit payments in Fiscal Year 2019 and Fiscal Year 2020 totaled $1,959,112 and $2,040,940, <br />respectively. <br />The City’s net OPEB liability was measured as of June 30, 2019, and the total OPEB liability used to <br />calculate the net OPEB liability was determined by an actuarial valuation as of June 30, 2019. The total OPEB <br />liability in the June 30, 2019 actuarial valuation was determined using the following actuarial assumptions, <br />applied to all periods included in the measurement, unless otherwise specified: <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Actuarial Assumptions for OPEB Benefit Plan <br />Actuarial cost method Entry Age Normal Cost <br />Discount Rate 2.79% <br />Inflation 2.75% <br />Projected salary increases 3.00% <br />Healthcare cost trend rate Non-Medicare: 7.25% for 2021, decreasing to an ultimate <br />rate of 4.00% in 2076 <br />Medicare: 6.3% for 2020, decreasing to an ultimate rate of <br />4% in 2076 <br />Pre-retirement Turnover Derived from CalPERS pension plan <br />Mortality, Retirement, Disability, Termination CalPERS 1997-2015 Experience Study <br />Mortality Improvement Mortality projected fully generational with Scale MP-2019 <br /> <br />Source: City’s Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2020. <br />Changes in the net liability for the City’s OPEB Benefit plan for Fiscal Year 2020, the latest period for <br />which such information is available, were as follows. <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Changes in OPEB Benefit Plan Liability <br /> Total OPEB <br />Liability <br /> <br />Balance at June 30, 2019(1) $ 56,891,621 <br />Changes Recognized for the Measurement Period: <br /> Service Cost 1,399,500 <br /> Interest on the total OPEB liability 1,706,665 <br /> Differences between expected and actual <br />experience 872,243 <br /> Changes of assumptions (5,711,635) <br /> Benefit payments (2,040,940) <br />Net Changes during July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 (3,774,167) <br />Balance at June 30, 2020(1) $ 53,117,454 <br /> <br />(1) The table above is based on the valuation date of June 30, 2019 and the measurement date of June 30, 2019. <br />Source: City’s Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2020.