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T HE W ARNER P ROJECT <br />W ATER S UPPLY A SSESSMENT A UGUST 21, 2020 <br />F USCOE E NGINEERING , I NC. 14 <br />• Warner Basin: A 50-foot-deep recharge basin located next to the SAR at the intersection <br />of the 55 and 91 freeways; <br />• Burris Basin: Located between Lincoln Avenue and Ball Road in the City of Anaheim; <br />• Kraemer Basin: Located adjacent to Burris Pit; <br />• Santiago Creek: Located in the City of Orange between Villa Park Road and E. Bond <br />Avenue. <br /> <br />As mentioned above, SB 1262 amended Section 10910 of the Water Code and requires the <br />inclusion of SGMA-related information in WSAs. Specifically, following the SGMA basin <br />prioritization and designations6, for a non-adjudicated basin that is designated as high- or <br />medium-priority pursuant to Section 10722.4, information regarding the following must be <br />included: <br /> <br />• Whether the department has identified the basin as being subject to critical conditions <br />of overdraft pursuant to Section 12924. <br />• If a groundwater sustainability agency has adopted a groundwater sustainability plan or <br />has an approved alternative, a copy of that alternative or plan. <br /> <br />The OC Basin (also referred to as Basin 8-1) has been designated as a medium-priority basin <br />which requires this WSA to address or include information regarding the bullets above. As <br />mentioned, SGMA provides authority for agencies like OCWD to develop and implement <br />Groundwater Sustainability Plans or alternative plans (“Alternatives”) that demonstrate the basin <br />has operated within its sustainable yield over a period of at least 10 years. OCWD decided to <br />submit an Alternative for evaluation by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR). <br />An Alternative is required to be submitted to DWR for review no later than January 1, 2017, <br />and every 5 years thereafter. In general, Alternatives must be consistent with one of the following <br />(Water Code §10733.6(b)): <br /> <br />• A plan developed pursuant to Part 2.75 (commencing with Section 10750) or other law <br />authorizing groundwater management. <br />• Management pursuant to an adjudication action. <br />• An analysis of basin conditions that demonstrates that the basin has operated within its <br />sustainable yield over a period of at least 10 years. The submission of an alternative <br />described by this paragraph shall include a report prepared by a registered professional <br />engineer or geologist who is licensed by the state and submitted under that engineer’s <br />or geologist’s seal. <br /> <br />OCWD prepared an Alternative that satisfies the third bullet point above to prove the OC Basin <br />has operated within its sustainable yield over a period of at least 10 years. The Basin 8-1 <br />Alternative can be found on OCWD’s website. The Alternative states that Basin 8-1 has <br />operated within its sustainable yield for more than 10 years without experiencing significant and <br />unreasonable (1) lowering of groundwater levels, (2) reduction in storage, (3) water quality <br />degradation, (4) seawater intrusion, (5) inelastic land subsidence, or (6) depletions of <br />interconnected surface water that have significant and unreasonable adverse impacts on <br />beneficial uses of the surface water. In addition, Basin 8-1 has not been in conditions of critical <br /> <br />6 SGMA Groundwater Information Center Interactive Map Application, found here: <br />