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Sunshine Ordinance Informational Report <br />July 20, 2021 <br />Page 3 <br />1 <br />9 <br />0 <br />5 <br />Sec. 2-156. - Access to lobbyist information. <br />This section requires the City to provide access, and a link on the City's website, to the <br />following forms: Recipient Committee Campaign Statement (Form 460), Behested <br />Payment Report (Form 803), and Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700). <br />Sec. 2-157. - Public meetings related to city five-year strategic plan and annual <br />budget. <br />This provision requires that each February (but before March 31) and September (but <br />before October 31), staff shall strive to host a community meeting in preparation of the <br />annual budget. Additionally, this provision requires that every five years, the City Manager <br />shall prepare and submit to the City Council a strategic plan setting forth the City’s <br />mission, core values, five year goals, detailed measurable objectives, and key <br />performance measures. To prepare the strategic plan, the City Manager is required to <br />conduct a public meeting for the public to review the draft plan. Finally, the City Manager <br />is required to host annual public meetings to present the strategic plan once it is approved <br />by the City Council. <br />Amendments to the Sunshine Ordinance in June 2013 <br />In June 2013, the City Council amended the Sunshine Ordinance to change the timelines <br />contained in the provisions of the ordinance: the date of the submittal and annual review <br />of the City's five-year strategic plan, the annual budget meeting dates, and the date for <br />the monthly posting of the calendars of public officials. <br />May 2021 City Council Discussion to Consider Amending the Sunshine Ordinance <br />In May 2021, City Council directed staff to research proposals to amend the Sunshine <br />Ordinance as follows: <br />Add one additional community meeting for City-sponsored development projects. <br />Increase noticing requirement for City-sponsored development projects from <br />addresses within a 500-foot radius of the subject property to a 2,000-foot radius, <br />as well as informing renters and homeowners. <br />Require Nixle notifications when fulfilling noticing requirements for City-sponsored <br />development projects. <br />Require lobbyists to register with the City Clerk. <br />Continuing the deliverance of City Council meetings in the digital format and allow <br />virtual participation of residents. <br />Publish public meeting agendas seven days in advance. <br />Staff assessed each proposal to determine the feasibility of implementation of each. An <br />overview of each proposal is provided below and includes the budgetary aspects of the <br />proposed provisions, as well as the benefits that they would offer in improving the <br />Sunshine Ordinance.