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Item 31 - Emergency Housing Vouchers
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
07/20/2021 Regular
Item 31 - Emergency Housing Vouchers
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8/17/2023 5:24:41 PM
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8/17/2023 5:24:11 PM
City Clerk
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UU..SS.. DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff HHoouussiinngg aanndd UUrrbbaann DDeevveellooppmmeenntt OOffffiiccee ooff PPuubblliicc aanndd IInnddiiaann HHoouussiinngg ((PPIIHH)) WWWhhaatt YYoouu SShhoouulldd KKnnooww AAbboouutt EEIIVV A Guide for Applicants & Tenants of Public Housing & Section 8 Programs What is EIV? The Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) system is a web-based computer system that contains employment and income information of individuals who participate in HUD rental assistance programs. All Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) are required to use HUD’s EIV system. What information is in EIV and where does it come from? HUD obtains information about you from your local PHA, the Social Security Administration (SSA), and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HHS provides HUD with wage and employment information as reported by employers; and unemployment compensation information as reported by the State Workforce Agency (SWA). SSA provides HUD with death, Social Security (SS) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) information. What is the EIV information used for? Primarily, the information is used by PHAs (and management agents hired by PHAs) for the following purposes to: 1. Confirm your name, date of birth (DOB), and Social Security Number (SSN) with SSA. 2. Verify your reported income sources and amounts. 3. Confirm your participation in only one HUD rental assistance program. 4. Confirm if you owe an outstanding debt to any PHA. 5. Confirm any negative status if you moved out of a subsidized unit (in the past) under the Public Housing or Section 8 program. 6. Follow up with you, other adult household members, or your listed emergency contact regarding deceased household members. EIV will alert your PHA if you or anyone in your household has used a false SSN, failed to report complete and accurate income information, or is receiving rental assistance at another address. Remember, you may receive rental assistance at only one home! EIV will also alert PHAs if you owe an outstanding debt to any PHA (in any state or U.S. territory) and any negative status when you voluntarily or involuntarily moved out of a subsidized unit under the Public Housing or Section 8 program. This information is used to determine your eligibility for rental assistance at the time of application. The information in EIV is also used by HUD, HUD’s Office of Inspector General (OIG), and auditors to ensure that your family and PHAs comply with HUD rules. Overall, the purpose of EIV is to identify and prevent fraud within HUD rental assistance programs, so that limited taxpayer’s dollars can assist as many eligible families as possible. EIV will help to improve the integrity of HUD rental assistance programs. Is my consent required in order for information to be obtained about me? Yes, your consent is required in order for HUD or the PHA to obtain information about you. By law, you are required to sign one or more consent forms. When you sign a form HUD-9886 (Federal Privacy Act Notice and Authorization for Release of Information) or a PHA consent form (which meets HUD standards), you are giving HUD and the PHA your consent for them to obtain information about you for the purpose of determining your eligibility and amount of rental assistance. The information collected about you will be used only to determine your eligibility for the program, unless you consent in writing to authorize additional uses of the information by the PHA. Note: If you or any of your adult household members refuse to sign a consent form, your request for initial or continued rental assistance may be denied. You may also be terminated from the HUD rental assistance program. What are my responsibilities? As a tenant (participant) of a HUD rental assistance program, you and each adult household member must disclose complete and accurate information to the PHA, including full name, SSN, and DOB; income information; and certify that your reported household composition (household members), income, and expense information is true to the best of your knowledge. February 2010 Page 14 of 29EXHIBIT 2
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