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Item 31 - Emergency Housing Vouchers
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
07/20/2021 Regular
Item 31 - Emergency Housing Vouchers
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Last modified
8/17/2023 5:24:41 PM
Creation date
8/17/2023 5:24:11 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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Emergency Housing Vouchers <br />July 20, 2021 <br />Page 3 <br />1 <br />8 <br />8 <br />7 <br />Memorandum of Understanding with Continuum of Care <br />As a requirement for accepting the EHVs, the Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development (“HUD”) established a requirement under which the Housing Authority must <br />enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with the Orange County Continuum <br />of Care (“CoC”) to establish a partnership for the administration of the EHVs (Exhibit 2). <br />The primary responsibility of the CoC under the MOU is to make direct referrals of <br />qualifying individuals and families to the Housing Authority from the Coordinated Entry <br />System list. The CoC is responsible for determining whether the family qualifies under <br />one of the four eligibility categories for EHVs. Additionally, this CoC and designated <br />service providers assists the Housing Authority to offer or make connections to supportive <br />services for families that are referred to the Housing Authority, including, but not limited <br />to, short- or long-term case management, collecting necessary verifications to support <br />referrals, housing counseling, housing search assistance and utility deposit assistance. <br />As a requirement, the Housing Authority must accept referrals for EHVs directly from the <br />Coordinated Entry (“CE”) System. Accepting direct referrals from the CE System will help <br />ensure families are able to get assistance quickly and eliminate the administrative burden <br />on the Housing Authority regarding the determination as to whether the family meets the <br />definition of a qualifying individual or family for EHV assistance. The MOU is a complete <br />statement of the responsibilities of the parties and evidence of a commitment of resources <br />to the EHV program. The MOU includes: <br />1. The Housing Authority’s and CoC’s commitment to administering the EHVs in <br />partnership. <br />2. The goals and standards of success in administering the EHVs. <br />3. The staff position for each organization that will serve as the lead EHV liaison. <br />4. A statement that all parties agree to cooperate with any program evaluation efforts <br />undertaken by HUD, or a HUD-approved contractor, including compliance with <br />HUD evaluation protocols and data sharing requests. <br />5. The specific populations eligible for the EHV assistance that will be referred to the <br />Housing Authority by the CoC or other partnering referral agency. <br />6. The services, including financial assistance, that will be provided to assist EHV <br />applicants and participants and who will provide them. <br />7. The roles and responsibilities of the Housing Authority and CoC, including but not <br />limited to the CoC making direct referrals of families to the Housing Authority <br />through the CE system. <br />The MOU is contingent on approval by the Board of the Orange County CoC. The <br />Housing Authority has a seat on the Board, but will be conflicted to vote on the item. <br />Update to HCV Administrative Plan <br />HUD requires housing authorities that administer an HCV program to have an <br />Administrative Plan. The purpose of the HCV Administrative Plan is to establish policies <br />for implementing the HCV program in a manner consistent with HUD requirements and <br />local goals and objectives contained in the Housing Authority’s 5-Year and Annual Plans.
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