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RFP #21-017: On-Call Environmental Review Services for the <br />Housing Division <br /> City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br /> <br />24 <br /> 63675 <br /> <br /> <br />Project Homekey Due Diligence Studies, Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, Various locations in Los <br />Angeles County, CA: Project Homekey is the State of California’s response to protecting California’s homeless, who are <br />at high risk for serious illness and are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Administered by the California Department <br />of Housing and Community Development, $600 million in grant funding was made available to local public entities, <br />including cities, counties, or other local public entities, to purchase and rehabilitate housing, including existing hotels, <br />motels, vacant apartment buildings, and other buildings and convert them into interim or permanent, long-term <br />housing. Of the $600 million in Homekey grant funds, $550 million was derived from the state's direct allocation of the <br />federal Coronavirus Aid Relief Funds, and $50 million was derived from the state's General Fund. Converse Consultants <br />performed Preliminary Reviews, Phase I ESAs, Geologic Hazards Analysis, and Probable Maximum Loss Assessments <br />(PMLAs) for various sites located in Los Angeles County. <br />LLG - Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering Consultation Services <br />LLG would provide transportation planning and traffic engineering consultation services as needed for the City. LLG is <br />a well-respected, medium sized firm, comprised of dedicated professionals who serve their clients on a wide variety of <br />traffic and transportation issues. LLG Principals and Senior Staff are recognized experts in these practice areas and <br />possess professional registrations in Traffic Engineering, Civil Engineering, or both. LLG’s diverse experience and <br />expertise enable them to provide services to both public agencies and the private sector. <br />LLG’s specialties include: <br />Traffic Studies for Environ. Documents Traffic Planning, Operations, & Simulation Studies Traffic Signal Warrant Studies <br />Traffic Impact Studies Circulation Elements for General Plans & Specific Plans Construction Zone Traffic Control Plans <br />SB 743/VMT Analyses Preliminary/Conceptual Engineering Shared Parking Demand Forecasting <br />Site Access and Circulation Traffic Signal Design Parking Design and Planning <br />Multimodal Analysis Traffic Signing and Striping Design Complete Streets Consultation <br />Sample LLG Project Experience includes: <br />4th & Mortimer, Santa Ana, CA: LLG prepared a traffic impact analysis report for the 4th & Mortimer Project. The <br />Project included the development of 169 apartment units and 11,361 SF of retail/commercial floor area. The traffic <br />study evaluated the proposed Project’s near-term and long-term traffic impacts at six key study intersections and also <br />included analysis for site access. A VMT screening assessment was also competed to evaluate the Project based on <br />SB743 requirements consistent with OPR and the City of Santa Ana CEQA VMT Analysis guidelines. <br />First American Plaza 4th and Main Apartments, Santa Ana, CA: LLG prepared a traffic impact analysis report for the <br />First American Plaza – 4th + Main Project. The Project included the development of 220 DU apartment units and 12,350 <br />SF of retail/commercial floor area. The traffic study evaluated the proposed Project’s near-term and long-term traffic <br />impacts at nine key study intersections and also included analysis for site access and internal circulation. <br />First Street Family Apartments, Santa Ana, CA: LLG prepared a traffic impact analysis report for the First Street Family <br />Apartments Project, which consists of a 69-unit apartment complex located at 1440 East First Street in the City of Santa <br />Ana, California. The traffic study evaluated the proposed Project’s near-term and long-term traffic impacts at four key <br />study intersections and also included analysis for site access and internal circulation, including a project gate stacking <br />analysis. <br />G. References <br />Being as the RFP detailed the Reference Form is not counted as part of the maximum page count, this information is <br />included in Appendix A. <br />H. Fee Schedule <br />General fee schedules for environmental and planning services and technical studies follow in Appendix A. Being as the <br />RFP detailed the fee schedule is not counted as part of the maximum page count, this information is included in <br />Appendix A. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 2