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RFP #21-017: On-Call Environmental Review Services for the <br />Housing Division <br /> City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br /> <br />A-20 <br /> 63675 <br /> <br />additional technical analysis for air quality, GHG emissions, noise, and traffic. The results from the technical reports <br />were incorporated into a Subsequent MND as additional mitigation measures were required for the proposed changes. <br />Washington Middle School HVAC and Track & Field Improvements, Long Beach Unified School <br />District (LBUSD), Long Beach, CA <br />Project Manager. Chambers Group prepared the IS checklist to confirm the appropriate CEQA documentation for the <br />HVAC improvements and turf replacement at Washington Middle School. The improvements included accessibility <br />upgrades as required to meet ADA requirements, utility upgrades, and replacement and repairs for the interior and <br />exterior buildings. The project also included preparation of a Historic Resources Assessment because the school was <br />listed eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, and the Administration Building and Science and Shop Building <br />are considered character defining features. <br />Lakewood High School Track & Field Project, Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD), Long <br />Beach, Los Angeles County, CA <br />Project Manager. Provided CEQA documentation support for the Lakewood High School Track & Field project which <br />included ADA upgrades, replacing the dirt track with an all-weather surface, and replacing the natural turf field with <br />artificial turf. An IS was completed for the project which included analysis of the campus in a Phase II Historic Resources <br />Assessment. Based on the result of the checklist and technical analysis, a CE was the appropriate CEQA documentation, <br />and a NOE was filed. <br />On-Call for Environmental Consulting Services, City of Moorpark, Moorpark, CA <br />Project Manager. Commencing in September 2019, Chambers Group is working on a series of task orders to support <br />the City with the peer review of project applications and CEQA documents. Chambers Group is providing guidance and <br />assistance through the peer review of technical environmental reports and analyses (traffic studies, noise studies, <br />geologic assessments, etc.) <br />Superior Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge, Newport Beach, Orange County, CA <br />Project Manager. Chambers Group is working with the City of Newport Beach in the construction of a pedestrian and <br />bicycle bridge overcrossing Superior Avenue, a new larger parking lot with a range of 100 to 128 parking spaces and a <br />fenced dog park on an approximately 3.4-acre site in the City of Newport Beach. The proposed bridge will connect <br />Sunset Ridge Park to the new asphalt parking lot located at the northeast corner of West Coast Highway and Superior <br />Avenue. Due to the location of the project and being partially funded by federal funding, Chambers Group is responsible <br />for preparing CEQA documentation, NEPA documentation and California Coastal Development Permits for the project. <br />Technical Studies (air quality, GHG emissions, energy and noise analyses, initial site assessments, hazardous materials <br />analysis, Coastal California Gnatcatcher focused surveys, visual assessment) and a subsequent IS/MND were prepared <br />as an appropriate CEQA documentation to provide the public and responsible agencies with information about the <br />potential environmental impacts associated with implementation of the proposed Project. This IS/MND includes a <br />project-level analysis of the potential effects associated with the Project. As a part of the NEPA documentation, <br />Chambers Group was responsible for coordination with the Caltrans Local District and the resulting preparation of a <br />Categorical Exclusion as the appropriate form of NEPA documentation. <br />Harbor Point Park Lookout and Trail Extension, CEQA Documentation, Dana Point, CA <br />Project Manager. Meghan is managing the preparation of the IS/MND for the project, which also included incorporating <br />information from a previously prepared Biological Technical Report also prepared by Chambers Group. The project is <br />to install an overlook deck as well as a trail extension from the deck to the existing trail network. Trespassing in attempts <br />to gain access to the view near the cliff edge has become a large issue throughout the preserved open space at Harbor <br />Point. As a result, the area is littered with trash and the vegetation is becoming highly fragmented due to the increase <br />in off trail foot traffic. In addition, the unauthorized access to the cliff edge is a public safety hazard, as there is no railing <br />or fencing present. The proposed overlook location will allow enhanced public access to coastal resources, as well as <br />reduce the overall disturbance and fragmentation of the surrounding habitat. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 2