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RFP #21-017: On-Call Environmental Review Services for the <br />Housing Division <br /> City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br /> <br />A-26 <br /> 63675 <br /> <br />the Clear Water Act, a NEPA categorical exclusion, a Biological Technical Report, and various documents for the <br />California Department of Transportation. <br />Avalon K-12 Site Improvements Project, Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD), Long Beach, Los <br />Angeles County, CA <br />Assistant Environmental Planner. Elizabeth is assisting with the CEQA documentation for the Avalon K-12 Site <br />Improvement project, which includes installation of HVAC on campus, replacement of the natural turf athletic field with <br />artificial turf, and various other campus-wide improvements. Due to the presence of contaminated soils, the CEQA <br />analysis is also including the contaminated soils removal. Technical analysis was prepared including air quality and <br />greenhouse gas analysis, noise assessment, geohazards assessment, and historical resources analysis. <br />Orange Fire Station No. 1 & Headquarters Project, Orange, CA <br />Assistant Environmental Planner. Elizabeth assisted with preparation of an IS/MND for the Orange Fire Station No. I & <br />Headquarters Project. The project involves replacement of the current aging and undersized fire station and required <br />coordination of a number of technical specialists for air quality, energy, GHG, noise, geotechnical, water quality, and <br />cultural analyses. <br />Boy Scouts of America Otay Lakes Campground, County of San Diego, San Diego County, CA <br />Assistant Environmental Planner. Elizabeth is preparing an IS Checklist and associated CEQA notices, coordinating with <br />subcontractors, and responding to public comments for the renovation and construction of camping facilities and <br />supplemental amenities. The project requires coordination with the County of San Diego Parks and Recreation <br />Department and the Boy Scouts of America to develop new camping facilities, a flag plaza, archery range, fire ring and <br />amphitheater, zip-line, Camporee Field, and COPE course; renovate the existing restroom; construct a fenced storage <br />facility; and complete minor road improvements. <br />Orni 5 Truckhaven Geothermal Exploratory Wells EA/MND, Ormat Technologies, Inc., <br />Imperial County, CA <br />Assistant Environmental Planner. Chambers Group contracted with Imperial County to prepare an IS/MND for the Orni <br />5 Truckhaven Geothermal Exploratory Wells Project in accordance with CEQA. Portions of the Project are located on <br />land managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management; therefore, there is a federal nexus for the Project. Chambers <br />Group is also contracted through Ormat Technologies, Inc. to prepare the NEPA document (Environmental Assessment) <br />for the Project. Elizabeth assisted in preparation of the IS/MND, MMRP, and Draft EA with associated notices, as well <br />as producing deliverables specific to the BLM such as the Conservation and Management Action table. The project <br />requires coordination between the County of Imperial, California State Lands Commission, California State Parks, the <br />Bureau of Land Management, and the project proponent, Ormat Technologies, Inc. <br />Biological and Archaeological Survey Services for a Hazardous Tree Removal Project, Orange <br />County Fire Authority, Orange County, CA <br />Assistant Environmental Planner. Elizabeth assisted in preparing IS documents for the treatment and removal of pest- <br />infested trees in various project areas throughout Orange County. The IS documents determine whether the projects <br />may have a significant effect on the environment and each project’s eligibility for an exemption from additional <br />environmental review under CEQA. It was concluded that the projects were eligible for various categorical exemptions <br />and did not trigger any of the Exceptions to Categorical Exemptions listed under California Code of Regulations Section <br />15300.2, including Cumulative Impacts, Significant Effects, Scenic Highways, Hazardous Waste Sites, and Historical <br />Resources. Notices of Exemption were prepared and filed for each project. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 2