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RFP #21-017: On-Call Environmental Review Services for the <br />Housing Division <br /> City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br /> <br />A-32 <br /> 63675 <br /> <br />application and 1602 notification letter. The project involves the stabilization of 525 linear feet of the embankment <br />separating the New River from Willey Reservoir. <br />Big Tujunga Dam and Reservoir Cleanout Project, Phase II, Monitoring, County of Los Angeles, <br />Sunland, Los Angeles County, CA <br />GIS Analyst. Phillip managed GIS databases, and supported mapping of the revegetation enhancement of upland and <br />riparian habitat in the 200-acre mitigation bank for LACPW. The revegetation components of the master plan included <br />the restoration of existing riparian habitat by removing exotic plant species and revegetating with native plant species. <br />Marblehead Coastal Development, SunCal Marblehead, LLC, San Clemente, Orange County, CA <br />GIS Analyst. Supported team with mapping for protocol-level focused surveys and nest monitoring for coastal California <br />gnatcatcher during the breeding season. Mapped active coastal California gnatcatcher nests at various stages and the <br />buffer/foraging area during vegetation removal in the vicinity. <br />Heber 1 Repower Project IS/MND, County of Imperial, CA <br />GIS Analyst. Chambers Group scope includes the preparation and submittal of forms associated with an Imperial County <br />Conditional Use Permit (CUP), preparation of technical studies, and document preparation and noticing in compliance <br />with the CEAQ. <br />Operations and Maintenance, Major Projects and Restoration Master Service Agreement, SDG&E, San <br />Diego, CA <br />GIS Analyst. Chambers Group performs Environmental reviews and releases, record searches, cultural resource surveys <br />and reporting, subsurface testing and construction monitoring to help meet project goals for this MSA. Phillip supports <br />the team as a GIS Analyst. <br />Truckhaven Geothermal Exploratory Wells EA/MND, Ormat Technologies, Inc., Imperial County, CA <br />GIS Analyst. Chambers Group contracted with Imperial County to prepare an IS/MND for the Truckhaven Geothermal <br />Exploratory Wells Project in accordance with CEQA. Portions of the Project are located on land managed by the U.S. <br />Bureau of Land Management (BLM); therefore, there is a federal nexus for the Project. Chambers Group is also <br />contracted through Ormat Technologies, Inc. to prepare the NEPA document (Environmental Assessment) for the <br />Project. <br />Potential Well Sites Investigation CEQA, Lake Arrowhead Community Services District, Tidewater <br />Inc., Lake Arrowhead, San Bernardino County, CA <br />A draft IS was prepared to analyze the environmental impacts of the construction and operation of the wells in five <br />locations within the District’s service area. Recommendations were also provided to provide further analysis on impacts <br />to biological resources, cultural resources, noise, and Tribal Cultural resources. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 2