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Statement of Qualifications – On-Call Environmental Review Services for Housing Division <br /> <br /> <br /> E-1 <br /> <br /> <br />Section E <br />RELEVANT EXPERIENCE <br />The City will benefit from our team’s management structure and long‐term experience with similar on‐call  <br />contracts. Our deep bench of resources will ensure successful delivery of tasks for projects that may overlap, run  <br />concurrently, or have shortened timelines.  <br /> <br />Project Experience <br />Michael Baker takes immense pride in our long-standing history of providing technically accurate and legally defensible CEQA and NEPA <br />documentation to our clients throughout California for more than 40 years. We are firm believers that “experience matters.” Our <br />experience includes a vast resume with preparation of CEQA and NEPA documentation, including Initial Studies, Categorical and <br />Statutory Exemptions, Negative Declarations (“ND”), Mitigated Negative Declarations (“MND”), Environmental Impact Reports (“EIR”), <br />Categorical Exclusions, Environmental Assessments and Findings of No Significant Impact (“EA/FONSI”), Environmental Impact <br />Statements (“EIS”), and extensive experience complying with HUD-specific environmental guidelines and processes . This experience <br />ensures successful delivery, on-time and within budget, of the any task order assigned under this on-call contract and associated technical <br />studies. A summary of Michael Baker’s experience with CEQA/NEPA clearance documentation efforts is provided below. Additional <br />representative experience is available upon request. <br />Heritage Square South NEPA Environmental Assessment and <br />CEQA Categorical Exemption <br />PASADENA, CA  <br />Michael Baker \prepared a NEPA Environmental Assessment <br />(EA) and CEQA Class 32 Categorical Exemption report for <br />Bridge Housing’s Heritage Square South affordable housing <br />project. The Project is a mixed-use development consisting of <br />commercial uses and affordable housing, with surface parking. <br />The commercial portion of the project will be located on the <br />ground floor of the proposed mixed-use building and would <br />include approximately 7,500 square feet of retail space. The residential component of the Project will include 69 units of affordable senior <br />housing plus one manager’s unit. The residential units will be located on two floors above the commercial space and in an adjacent three- <br />story residential building on the Project Site. The residential component will be permanent supportive housing for homeless seniors. <br /> <br />As part of the CEQA and NEPA environmental document preparation, Michael Baker prepared an Air Quality technical study to quantify <br />construction and operational emissions, a Noise analysis to determine compliance with HUD’s noise guidelines, and a cultural resources <br />identification and evaluation study to address requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. <br /> <br />Key issues: Affordable housing, mixed-use development; NEPA Environmental Assessment, CEQA Categorical Exemption. <br />Year Completed: Approved September 2020 <br />Client: City of Pasadena <br />Contact: James Wong, Senior Project Manager <br /> <br /> 626.744.8316 <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 3