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RFP #21-017: On-Call Environmental Review Services for the <br />Housing Division <br /> City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br /> <br />3 <br /> 63675 <br /> <br /> <br />Scoping Meeting and/or consultations with agencies are not required by CEQA, but can be a useful tool to supplement <br />required scoping periods. Chambers Group will coordinate with the City, and other agencies deemed appropriate to <br />identify the environmental areas to be evaluated, and the methodological approaches to be used, if requested. A Public <br />Scoping Meeting may be held to present the proposed project to the public and provide them with an opportunity to <br />relay their concerns and suggestions for the environmental studies. A record of these meetings and consultations will <br />be included in the CEQA document. Prior to each meeting, a flyer will be distributed notifying interested persons of the <br />workshop. The focus of these meetings will be to gather concerns of the: <br />• Project stakeholders; <br />• property owners/occupants adjacent to the project site, and <br />• public interest groups, and other concerned individuals. <br />The information gathered during scoping meetings and public comment meetings are helpful in gathering the required <br />information to properly analyze the environmental document for a project, whether it is a Negative Declaration (ND), <br />Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and/or Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR)/Final EIR. <br />Kick-Off and Scoping Meetings <br />After receiving a notice to proceed (NTP) for a project from the City, Chambers Group will be prepared to meet with <br />the City and other relevant parties such as the City consultants and project Applicant(s), at a Project Initiation/Kick-off <br />Meeting to discuss the project and receive all available project information. Chambers Group will work closely with the <br />City to determine what additional data, if any, must be collected in support of the appropriate CEQA document. In <br />addition to CEQA documents, Chambers Group will provide additional related tasks to assist the City such as <br />collaboration with various consultants, State and local agencies, and coordination with the City departments such as <br />the Planning and Building Agency, the Public Works Agency, and the Community Development Agency. <br />CEQA Document Preparation <br />Chambers Group’s will provide the City with a tailored approach that adapts to changes in CEQA case law and any CEQA <br />Guideline updates. Our experienced group of environmental planning staff has an in-depth understanding of CEQA that <br />ensures that we are able to determine the correct CEQA document for the project. For example, the Berkeley Hillside <br />Preservation v. City of Berkeley case gives deference to the lead agency for determining when a project may be exempt <br />from CEQA. The summaries below highlight the general approach of CEQA, other technical services, and general <br />administrative support to the City. <br />Preparing the Initial Study (IS) <br />Preparation of an IS Checklist will be completed to confirm the appropriate environmental documentation for a given <br />project. The IS will be prepared using the most recent revision of the IS Environmental Checklist Form suggested in the <br />CEQA Guidelines Appendix G in compliance with CEQA Section 15063. Chambers Group will identify issue areas where <br />no impacts, less than significant impacts, or potentially significant impacts would result from the proposed project. <br />Further analyses will be provided for specific resource areas that may be of concern based on the project area or based <br />on technical analyses provided by outside consultants. These include analyses on a project’s consistency and <br />applicability to the City’s General Plan policies, zoning, and specifications. The IS will be used as a guide in the decision <br />as to the appropriate environmental documentation to prepare for the project. Chambers Group will provide a <br />recommendation for the appropriate level of CEQA documentation. We understand the importance of being good <br />stewards of public funds and will use our CEQA expertise to ensure that the City is preparing the appropriate CEQA <br />document based on the project impacts and project type. <br />Notice of Exemption (NOE) <br />Chambers Group, in consultation with the City, will determine if there is an appropriate exemption for a project. A <br />project will be analyzed whether it would qualify for a Statutory Exemption (per Article 18) or a Categorical Exemption <br />(CE) under the CEQA Guidelines. Exclusions granted by the Legislature would be considered statutorily exempt. An IS <br />may be prepared to confirm the preparation of an exemption or provide supplemental environmental analysis for the <br />project. The exemption may also include other technical studies if required by the project. Chambers Group will file the <br />NOE with the Orange County Clerk Recorder. <br />EXHIBIT 2