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RFP #21-017: On-Call Environmental Review Services for the <br />Housing Division <br /> City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br /> <br />6 <br /> 63675 <br /> <br /> <br />The EA will be prepared utilizing the format preferred by HUD, which includes the following sections: <br />1. Project Information <br />2. Funding Information <br />3. Compliance with 24 CFR 50.4, 58.5, and 58.6 Laws and Authorities <br />4. EA Factors <br />5. Mitigation Measures and Conditions <br />The analysis of the environmental effects and significance will address direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts of all <br />the alternatives considered. These include the discussion of the Project’s compliance with statutes, executive orders, <br />and regulations listed at 24 CFR 50.4, 58.5 and 58.6, and environmental assessment factors including land development, <br />socioeconomic, community facilities and services, and natural features as appropriate. Upon completion of the EA, <br />Chambers Group will enter the EA and associated documents into the HUD Environmental Review Online System <br />(HEROS). <br />HUD Environmental Review Online System (HEROS) <br />To help Responsible Entities facilitate the environmental review process, HUD’s Office of Environment and Energy (OEE) <br />has developed HEROS. HEROS is a web-based system for Responsible Entities to prepare and manage their <br />Environmental Review Records (ERR). HEROS applies to all environmental reviews for HUD-assisted projects. HEROS <br />streamlines the environmental review process for Users by replacing the existing paper-based process with a <br />comprehensive web-based system. Users can create electronic Environmental Review Records and manage their <br />reviews from a single, electronic portal. HEROS facilitates easier organization, sharing, and communications between a <br />Responsible Entity and its partners. <br />Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) <br />An EIS would be required if a federal action would result in the significant effects of the quality of the human <br />environment. Chambers Group would prepare Chambers Group would prepare the NOI for publication in the Federal <br />Register for the Project. The comments received on the NOI will be used to further refine those impact areas that will <br />be analyzed in the EIS, if needed. The comments reviewed will be discussed with the City and federal agency to <br />determine whether the scope of the EIS should be expanded. The NOI, comments received, and all correspondence will <br />be included in the EIS appendices. The EIS will address direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts relevant to the proposed <br />action. Following the public review period, the Final EIS would incorporate comments, responses, and changes to the <br />Draft EIS (DEIS). The EIS process ends with a Record of Decision that outlines that federal agency’s decision, describes <br />alternatives considered, and discusses any necessary mitigation or monitoring plans. <br />Technical Studies <br />The following studies and services are in response to services listed in the RFP, however, if additional studies (such as <br />visual impact assessments and simulations or hydrologic/hydraulic assessments) are required as part of completing <br />CEQA compliance and documentation, we would be happy to provide those services through a combination of in-house <br />and subconsultant personnel. <br />Biological and Resource Technical Reports <br />Biological Resources <br />Chambers Group’s biology team may utilize our deep bench of well-rounded biologists allowing for scheduling of <br />simultaneous tasks at multiple sites. Our biological resources staff hold permits from the United States Fish and Wildlife <br />Service (USFWS) and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) for collecting select species, conducting <br />protocol surveys for sensitive species, and following specialized habitat evaluation procedures. The biology staff <br />includes botanists and restoration ecologists who survey for sensitive plant species as well as specialize in restoration, <br />revegetation, and soil analysis. In addition, Chambers Group staff are certified to perform wetland delineations. Our <br />staff have conducted numerous database searches, Habitat Assessments, threatened and endangered species surveys, <br />mitigation monitoring, and reports in Orange County. <br />EXHIBIT 2