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RFP #21-017: On-Call Environmental Review Services for the <br />Housing Division <br /> City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br /> <br />8 <br /> 63675 <br /> <br /> <br />Archaeological/Paleontological Technical Reports <br />After completing Archaeological Literature Reviews and Archaeological Reconnaissance Surveys, Chambers Group will <br />prepare project-specific CEQA Archaeological Technical Reports which summarize literature reviews, survey results, <br />and will include the following sections: (a) introduction, (b) proposed project description, (c) Summary of literature <br />reviews, (d) methods used to conduct the surveys, (e) results of the existing conditions of cultural resources on the site, <br />(f) recommendations, and (g) references cited. The reports will include current photographs and maps documenting <br />site conditions summary of any archaeological resource findings observed. <br />Assembly Bill (AB) 52 Consultation <br />Chambers Group will perform AB 52 Tribal Consultation Support on behalf of the City. As the Lead Agency, the City is <br />required to provide formal notification to the designated contact or tribal representative of traditionally and culturally <br />affiliated Native American tribes within the geographic area(s). <br />Our team will prepare notification letters that include a brief project description and a map of the proposed project. <br />Then, we will consult with the tribes to develop appropriate mitigation measures to avoid or minimize impacts Tribal <br />Cultural Resources (TCR). <br />Historical Resources Survey and Documentation <br />As needed, Chambers Group will conduct historical resources surveys to photo document and assess current condition <br />of historical resources. The historical resources will be recorded on appropriate DPR 523 series forms. In preparing the <br />DPR 523 forms, the existing condition of the resources will be photographed and described in detail. We will prepare <br />technical reports in compliance with CEQA standards. The reports will include historic contexts, a summary of field <br />methods and results, significance evaluations of historic period resources under appropriate criteria. <br />Shade/Shadow Analysis <br />Chambers Group will conduct shade and shadow analysis. Shading refers to the effect of shadows cast upon adjacent <br />areas by proposed structures. Shadow impacts are dependent upon several factors, including sensitivity of adjacent <br />land uses, duration, time of day, season, extent of building shadowed, preexisting conditions and type of shadow. Shade <br />and shadow impacts could be considered substantial if a development creates a significant increase of shade or shadow <br />on sensitive outdoor uses, defined as schools, hospitals, senior housing, or other residential amenity spaces. Shade and <br />shadow impacts during the hours of 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM Pacific Standard Time at the winter solstice will <br />be measured. Shade and shadow impacts during the hours of 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM Pacific Daylight <br />Time at the summer solstice will also be measured. Our analysis will illustrate shadow impacts for buildings. <br />Air Quality, GHG, and Noise Analysis (Vista Environmental) <br />Vista Environmental will provide the following tasks for conducting an air quality analysis, GHG analysis, and noise <br />analysis for a project. The results of these studies would then be incorporated into the appropriate CEQA document, or <br />in a standalone report. These tasks may vary depending on the project to be analyzed. Vista Environmental is also <br />qualified to provide Energy and Health Risk Assessments (HRA)s if required for a project. A detailed scope will be <br />provided on a project basis. <br />Air Quality and GHG Analysis <br />Vista Environmental will provide the following tasks: <br />• Identify the existing air quality setting in the area, including the local meteorological conditions. <br />• Identify GHGs and their associated impacts to global climate change. <br />• Identify applicable NEPA de minimis, state, and South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) rules and <br />regulations, attainment plans and thresholds of significance for criteria pollutants and GHGs. <br />• Obtain existing air quality data from air quality monitoring stations within the study area utilizing California Air <br />Resources Board (CARB) data sources. <br />• Evaluate and quantify regional criteria pollutant and GHG emissions associated with construction and operational <br />activities for the proposed project utilizing the CalEEMod Model. <br />EXHIBIT 2