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RFP #21-017: On-Call Environmental Review Services for the <br />Housing Division <br /> City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br /> <br />13 <br /> 63675 <br /> <br /> <br />South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) <br />Converse has complied with permitting requirements for various projects and has prepared permit applications and <br />workplans for compliance with landfill clean closure requirements. They have also generated and submitted asbestos <br />cleanup workplans prior to commencing abatement activities. <br />Other Agencies <br />HUD provides applicable regulation and guidance documents for assessments, surveys, and risk assessments. <br />Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing (2012) will be followed. Phase I and <br />II ESAs will be completed in accordance with HUD guidance documents and ASTM Standards E1527 and E1903. <br />Transportation Assessments (LLG) <br />Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Analysis <br />LLG will coordinate with City staff to determine if the proposed Project satisfies any of the VMT screening options per <br />the City’s guidelines. If screening options are satisfied, LLG will prepare a brief memorandum indicating how the <br />proposed Project satisfies the City VMT screening. <br />If a full VMT analysis is required, LLG will coordinate with City staff to define the study area as the size and shape of the <br />study area can affect the analysis. They will determine the analysis scenarios and confirm the approach for the VMT <br />analysis. Assuming the use of the Orange County Transportation Analysis Model 5.0 (OCTAM 5.0), LLG will conduct with <br />and without project VMT model runs. The without project scenario will assume existing or community plan/general <br />plan land uses. Compare the project VMT for the project against the City VMT. They will determine the project impact <br />based on the City CEQA Assessment – VMT Analysis Guidelines. If necessary, LLG will recommend appropriate mitigation <br />measures to reduce the impact. They will provide the project team a toolbox of potential mitigation or project <br />alternatives for consideration in the analysis. Utilize the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) <br />standards or the local guidelines and determine if the selected mitigation measures reduce the project’s VMT impacts <br />to less than significant. <br />LLG will prepare a draft memorandum, which details all the above-mentioned items, their findings, and conclusions. <br />The draft memorandum will be submitted for the City’s review and review by appropriate members of the project team. <br />If necessary, they will update the draft memorandum based on Project team comments and submit a final VMT analysis <br />memorandum to the City. <br />Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) <br />LLG will confirm the development description of the proposed Project with the project team and work schedule. They <br />will coordinate with City staff to confirm the scope of work for the TIA (i.e., number of study intersections). <br />LLG will visit the project study area and inventory existing roadway conditions. They will research existing historical <br />traffic count data at the key study intersections located within the vicinity of the proposed project site. LLG will conduct <br />AM peak period and PM peak period manual turning movement counts at the key study intersections identified to be <br />evaluated by City staff. They will coordinate with City staff to obtain cumulative project information. <br />They will prepare trip generation forecasts for the proposed Project for a typical weekday over a 24-hour period, as <br />well as for the commuter AM and PM peak hours. The trip generation forecasts will either be estimated based on the <br />application of trip rates included in Trip Generation, 10th Edition, published by ITE (2017) or based on the operations <br />of the facility. <br />LLG will develop AM peak hour and PM peak hour “existing plus project”, “near-term cumulative plus project” and <br />“long-term plus project” traffic volume projections for the key study intersections. They will prepare AM peak hour and <br />PM peak hour “existing plus project”, “near-term cumulative plus project” and “long-term plus project” Level of Service <br />(LOS) calculations at the key study intersections. Where necessary, the traffic study will identify the appropriate <br />intersection improvements to offset the proposed Project’s traffic impacts. <br />LLG will then prepare a draft report that details all of the above-mentioned items, their analysis, findings, and <br />conclusions. The draft report will be submitted for review and review by appropriate members of the project team. If <br />necessary, the report will be updated based on project team comments, and a final report will be submitted to the City. <br />EXHIBIT 2