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AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY EXIDBITS FOR THE SANTA ANA ZOO <br />THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 15th day of June, 2021, by and <br />between Breeze Creative LLC, a Florida limited liability company ("Consultant"), and the City <br />of Santa Ana, a charter city and municipal corporation organized and existing under the <br />Constitution and laws of the State of Cali fornia (''City''). <br />RECITALS <br />A.In October of 2020, the City issued Request for Proposal ("RFP") No. 20-104, by <br />which it sought Consultants for temporary special exhibits as needed for the Santa <br />Ana Zoo. <br />B.Consultant submitted a responsive proposal dated November 11, 2020 and was <br />among those companies selected by the City to be awarded an Agreement. <br />Consultant represents that it is able and willing to provide the services described in <br />the scope of work that was included in RFP No. 20-104 and attached as Exhibit A. <br />C.In undertaking the performance of this Agreement, Consultant represents that it is <br />knowledgeable in its field and that any services performed by Consultant under this <br />Agreement will be performed in compliance with such standards as may reasonably <br />be expected from a professional contracting firm in the field. <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual and respective promises, and subject to the <br />terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: <br />1.SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />a.On an as-nee ded basis, and at the sole discretion of City, Consultant sh all provide <br />digital interactive exhibits pursuant to the parameters described in Exhibit A. The <br />exhibits are anticipated to run during the Spring and Summer season <br />(appro ximately March-July of 2021, 2022, and 2023 but subject to negotiation). <br />b.When the need for services arise, City may initiate services through use of a letter <br />agreement which will set forth the specific details as to the special temporary <br />exhibit selected by the City including but not limited to set up, take down, and <br />mainten ance, executed by the Executive Director of the Parks, Recreation, and <br />Community Services Agenc y and the Consultant. <br />c.Work by the Consultant may not proceed absent a previously engaged or fully <br />executed consultant agreement and letter agreement for a specific project. <br />2.COMPENSATION <br />a.City neither warrants nor guarantees any minimum or maximum compensation to <br />Consultant under this Agreement. Consultant shall be paid only for actual services <br />performed under this Agreement at the rates and charges identified in Exhibit B. <br />Consultant is one of four (4) Consultants selected to provide temporary exhibits for <br />the Santa Ana Zoo on an as needed basis under RFQ No. 20-104. The total <br />Page 1 of 10 <br />Exhibit1