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I. INTRODUCTION / PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />Nature of Work: <br />The City of Santa Ana is seeking qualified contractors to perform spill response, <br />hazardous waste disposal, and storm drain facility maintenance services. A detailed <br />Scope of Work is included in the Appendix of this RFP as Attachment 1. <br />Number of Proposals and Signature: <br />Proposals must be submitted electronically through the PlanetBids system. No other <br />form of submittal will be accepted. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure <br />that any proposals submitted have been uploaded to PlanetBids prior to the proposal due <br />date and time stated on the cover page of this RFP. Proposals shall be signed by a <br />company official with the power to bind the company. Please be explicit in identifying <br />the appropriate person with legal authority to bind the company. <br />The proposal fee schedule must be submitted as a separate attachment in the <br />PlanetBids system, and not be included as part of the proposal. <br />The Statement of Qualifications shall be limited to a maximum of fifteen (15) double - <br />sided pages (excluding front and back covers, section dividers and attachments such as <br />resumes, forms). Font size shall be minimum 11-point Arial. Proposal exhibits shall be <br />maximum 11" x 17". <br />Proposal Evaluation and Rating_ <br />The criteria for evaluating the proposals submitted is shown below: <br />Relevant Project Experience 35% <br />Firm/Team Experience 30% <br />Understanding of Need 25% <br />References 10% <br />The City has established a proposal review committee to evaluate proposals based on the <br />response to this RFP, which includes adherence to outlined directions and format, and the <br />City evaluation criteria set forth above. A final score will be calculated for each <br />submitted proposal and used to rank the proposers. <br />After ranking, cost negotiations may begin with the most qualified contractor(s) and only <br />their cost proposals will be opened. Should negotiations fail or result in a price that the <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 21-004 Page 4 <br />