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ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY CONFIDENTIAL <br />This document contains personal <br />Purchase and Sale Agreement information, and pursuant to Civil Code <br />section 1798.21, it shall be kept confidential <br />in order to protect against unauthorized <br />disclose o. <br />3. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that payment as provided in Clause 2(A) includes, <br />but is not limited to, payment for any and all past, present, and/or future damages, which have accrued or may <br />accrue to CITY's remaining property by reason of its severance from the property conveyed herein and/or the <br />construction and use of the proposed Project, including, but not limited to, any expense which CITY may incur in <br />restoring the utility of the remaining property. This release is not intended to extend to unanticipated physical <br />damage caused by construction. <br />4. Any notice either party may or is required to give the other shall be in writing, and shall be either personally delivered <br />or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. If by mail, service shall be deemed to have been <br />received by such party at the time the notice is delivered to the following addresses: <br />To CITY: <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza <br />P.O. Box 1988 <br />Santa Ana, California 92701 <br />Attn: Clerk of the Council <br />To AUTHORITY: <br />Orange County Transportation Authority <br />550 South Main Street <br />P.O. Box 14184 <br />Orange, CA 92863-1584 <br />Attn: Real Property Department <br />It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that this PSA inures to the benefit of, and is binding on, <br />the parties, their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, and/or assignees. Neither this PSA, nor any of <br />the .Parties' rights, obligations, duties, or authority hereunder may be assigned in whole or in part by either Party <br />without the prior consent of the other Party. <br />6. CITY represents and warrants that, to the best of the CITY'S knowledge, during the period of CITY's ownership <br />of the Property, there have been no disposals, releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances or hazardous <br />wastes on, from, or under the Property. CITY further represents and warrants that CITY has no knowledge of any <br />disposal, release, or threatened release of hazardous substances or hazardous wastes on, from, or under the <br />Property which may have occurred prior to CITY taking title to the Property, other than that described in the <br />Environmental Report. If contamination is found, this offer will be subject to amendment. <br />The acquisition price of the Property interests being acquired in this transaction reflects the full and complete <br />settlement of the Property interests without the presence of contamination. If the Property interests being <br />acquired are found to be contaminated by the presence of hazardous waste which requires mitigation under <br />Federal or State law, AUTHORITY may elect to recover the clean-up costs from those who caused or contributed <br />to the contamination including, but not limited to, CITY. <br />This PSA constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter of this <br />PSA and may not be modified except by an instrument in writing signed by the party to be bound thereby. <br />If any term or provision of this PSA shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the PSA shall <br />remain in full force and effect. <br />10. Each individual executing this PSA on behalf of an entity represents and warrants that he or she has been <br />authorized to do so by the entity on whose behalf he or she executes this PSA and that said entity will thereby be <br />obligated to perform the terms of this PSA. <br />