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Each milestone submittal shall include the electronic files of the following <br />documents: Plans, Standard Special Provisions (SSP), preliminary quantities <br />and estimates, pay item list, design calculations and all reports supporting the <br />design (i.e. geotechnical report, hydraulic report). <br />2) The City reviews and comments on the PS&E package within four (4) weeks <br />of receipt of the complete milestone PS&E package. <br />3) Constructability review meeting shall take place at 90% and shall include <br />Consultant and City engineering staff. Prior to the City conducting the <br />constructability review, the Consultant shall submit the QA/QC set of PS&E <br />performed by the Consultant independently. <br />c) Final PS&E for Approval and Bidding <br />The Consultant shall submit all electronic files (CADD, word document, and excel) <br />and one set of PDF of the following documents for construction Bid purpose: <br />Signed final design plans <br />Signed final specifications <br />Signed QA/QC Checklist <br />Final cost estimate and final quantity calculations <br />Final design calculations <br />3. Construction Bidding Phase: <br />Bidding procedures will be the responsibility of the City. While the PS&E construction <br />package is advertising for bids, all questions concerning the intent shall be referred to the <br />City for resolution. In the event that any item requiring interpretation in the drawings or <br />specifications is discovered during the bidding period, said items shall be analyzed by the <br />Consultant for decision by the City. <br />4. Construction Support Phase: <br />a) This task shall be included as optional in the fee proposal. <br />b) Consultant shall furnish, at the consultant's sole cost and expense, all necessary <br />revised documents and drawings due to errors and omissions of the Consultant. <br />c) Consultant shall review and approve all submittals and shop plan drawings required <br />to support the construction contract. Consultant shall complete shop drawings <br />reviews within two (2) weeks of receipt. Contract Change Order reviews shall be <br />completed within two (2) working days of receipt. <br />d) Consultant shall be available as requested by the City to resolve discrepancies in the <br />contract documents. Consultant shall bring to the attention of the City any defects or <br />deficiencies in the work by the construction contractor which the Consultant may <br />observe. Consultant shall have no authority to issue instruction on behalf of the City, <br />or to deputize another to do so. <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 20-164 <br />Page Al-5 <br />