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assessments attributable to the Property; Seller shall be solely responsible for obtaining any refund due <br />thereon from the taxing authority. Upon written request, Buyer shall assist Seller, at Seller's sole cost, in <br />obtaining said refund, if any; however, in no case shall Buyer credit or otherwise pay Seller for that refund, <br />if any, through or outside of Escrow. <br />All unpaid taxes on Said Real Property for any and all years prior to the fiscal year within which said <br />conveyance is made shall be paid by Seller before conveyance of Said Real Property to City. <br />6. Payment of Purcha, eg Price,. City agrees to pay to Seller, and Seller agrees to accept from City, <br />as and for the full purchase price for Said Real Property, temporary construction easement, fixtures & <br />equipment (improvements pertaining to the realty), goodwill (if any), and severance damages, the total <br />sum of One Hundred Seventy -Six Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($176,000.00). City agrees to deposit <br />said purchase price in escrow with the Escrow Agent within SIXTY (60) days from and after the date on <br />which the City has approved this Agreement, and the Escrow Agent is hereby authorized to pay the same <br />to Seller upon and after: <br />(a) Conveyance of Said Real Property by Seller to City as hereinabove provided; <br />(b) Acceptance by City of a Grant Deed conveying said portion of Said Real Property to City; <br />(c) Acceptance by City of a Temporary Construction Easement to City; <br />(d) Delivery to City of the policy of title insurance as hereinabove provided; <br />(e) Recordation of the Deed conveying said portion of Said Real Property to City. <br />7. Possession. Seller agrees to deliver to City, on the date the Deed conveying said real property <br />to City is recorded, quiet and peaceful possession of said property, which shall be made free to Seller of <br />all personal property. <br />8. Rental and OrcuRgn_ gy By Seller, INTENTIONALLY DELETED. <br />9. Waly2rs. The waiver by City of any breach of any covenant or agreement herein contained on <br />the part of the Seller shall not be deemed or held to be a waiver of any subsequent or other breach of <br />said covenant or agreement nor a waiver of any breach of any other covenants or agreements contained <br />herein. <br />10. Heirs. Assigns. Successor6;10-Interest. This PSA, and all the terms, covenants and conditions <br />hereof, shall apply to and bind the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the <br />respective Parties hereto. <br />11. Time is of the Essence. In all matters and things hereunder to be done and in all payments <br />hereunder to be made, time is and shall be of the essence. <br />12, .lust Compensation. Seller acknowledges and agrees that said purchase price is just <br />compensation at fair market value for Said Real Property and includes payment for fixtures & equipment <br />(improvements pertaining to realty), goodwill (if any), and severance damages. <br />