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2 | Page  <br />  <br />“terminal” by formal City Council action and, as such, will be deleted from The Basic <br />Classification and Compensation Plan for Unrepresented Confidential Employees <br />(UCE) classifications of employment when vacated by its last remaining incumbent. No <br />new appointment may be made to a classification that has been designated as terminal. <br /> <br />Section 4. Administration and Applicability of the Basic Classification and <br />Compensation and Benefit Plan for Classifications of Employment Designated as <br />Unrepresented Confidential Employees (UCE). <br /> <br /> <br />A. Unless specified otherwise herein, Unrepresented Confidential Employees listed <br />in Section 2 of this Exhibit will be afforded, and/or subject to the same provisions <br />and/or changes in salaries, compensation and benefits including but not limited to; <br />cost of living adjustments; overtime; bi-lingual pay; assignment and other special pay <br />additives; fringe benefit plans and allowances; City’s Section 125 Plan; group health, <br />dental, term life, and long-term disability allowances and plans; access to <br />participation in the City’s voluntary benefit plans (e.g., vision, flexible spending <br />accounts, supplement life insurance, and 457(b) deferred compensation plan); <br />CalPERS Retirement System; Retirement Health Savings Plan (RHS) participation, <br />including any (if applicable) employer contribution to the employee’s individual RHS <br />plan or the same employer contribution to an association’s retiree health savings or <br />similar plan on behalf of the member, as provided and available to those <br />represented in the CASA unit. <br /> <br /> <br />B. Compensation Plan Implementation. Upon implementation of the Basic <br />Classification and Compensation Plan set forth in Sub-section 2.B. of this Resolution <br />Exhibit, a current incumbent of an UCE classification listed herein above unless <br />specified otherwise herein, will be afforded, and/or subject to the same provisions in <br />salaries, compensation, attendance, workday, and work week as provided and available <br />to those represented in the CASA unit. <br /> <br />C. Temporary Upgrade to a UCE Classification. Regular employees of the City who <br />are incumbents of classes of employment not included in this resolution exhibit and who <br />are temporarily upgraded into a higher classification for a limited duration to a UCE <br />classification due to a current incumbent’s leave of absence or out-of-class temporary <br />appointment as defined in Section 4.D below, shall receive a minimum five percent (5%) <br />temporary upgrade pay as defined by CCR 571(a)(3) as “compensation to employees <br />who are required by their employer or governing body to work in an upgraded <br />position/classification of limited duration”, and is intended to meet the definition of <br />“Compensation Earnable” for Classic members of CalPERS as provided by the Public <br />Employees’ Retirement Law (PERL), and Government Code (G.C.) section 20636. <br /> <br />