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REVENUE <br />ADOPTED <br />FY 20-21 <br />PROPOSED <br />FY 21-22 DEPT <br />ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT/MISCELLANEOUS FEE OR SERVICE UNIT FEES FEES CHANGES <br />SECTION IV FINANCE & MANAGEMENT SERVICES <br />51002 Dog License Fees <br />County of Orange fees relating to the redemption of dogs adopted by City Council on 01/06/03 (Reso. No 2003-004)* <br />Program administered by Police Department <br />County of Orange proposed fees, subject to change pending County approval** <br />CA Food & Agriculture Code Sec. 30804.5 sets the fee for <br />altered dogs at no more than 50% of unaltered dogs. <br />Annual <br />*Altered (Neutered or Spayed)Each Dog**30.22 28.00 Modified: Amount <br />*Unaltered Each Dog**111.91 159.00 Modified: Amount <br />Replacement of Tag Each**3.36 9.00 Modified: Amount <br />*Senior Citizen (65 or older) Animal must be spayed/neutered.Each**15.10 14.00 Modified: Amount <br />*Late License Penalty (after 30 days)Each**39.18 48.00 Modified: Amount <br />*Puppy License (12 month license for dogs under 6 months)Each Dog**30.22 28.00 Modified: Amount <br />53902 Bound Copy (Unabridged) <br />Chapter 21 SAMC Business License Code <br />Customer Pickup Each 43.41 43.41 <br />Mailed Each 53.49 53.49 <br />53902 Finance - Record Abstract <br />Certified Each 22.56 22.56 <br />Uncertified Each 14.42 14.42 <br />53902 Abstract of Billing History Fee Per Account 56.06 56.06 <br />50045 Monthly New Business License List Each 22.56 22.56 <br />50045 Inspection/Collection Service Fee Each BLT 63.71 63.71 <br />50045 Audit Service Fee 66.20 66.20 <br />50045 Autoregistration Service Fee 17.49 17.49 <br />50045 Recording Service Fee 65.93 65.93 <br />50045 Transfer Service Fee 42.47 42.47 <br />50045 Hearing Service Fee 120.25 120.25 <br />53900 Credit Card Processing Fee (fee waived by Council in 2012)Waived Waived <br />57900 Return Payment Service Fee 1st item 25.92 25.00 Modified: Amount <br />each Subsequent item 36.28 35.00 Modified: Amount <br />53901 Stop Payment/Reissue Fee Each 13.44 13.44 <br />Per Transaction <br />re-inspection/collection visit <br />Per qualifying BLT audit (underpayments of 10% or greater, but not less than $250) <br />Per BLT account autoregistration/assessment <br />Per recording of BLT (Business License Tax) lien <br />Per BLT account collection transfer <br />Per BLT administrative hearing <br />15