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ROH – 6.1.21 <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2021-xx <br />Page 2 of 3 <br /> <br /> <br />states that it is not its intention to repeal previously adopted fees and <br />adopt new fees of exactly the same amount, but is simply repeating these <br />fees so that the Miscellaneous Fee Schedule can continue to be a <br />comprehensive source of City fees and service charges. <br /> <br />G. In each of these cases, the Council finds, determines and declares that <br />such new or increased charges, fees or service charges do not exceed the <br />City’s estimated reasonable cost to provide the pertinent service, process <br />the specified application or administer the certain program for which the <br />charge, fee or service charge is imposed. <br /> <br />H. Based upon the testimony, reports and other evidence submitted on this <br />matter, this City Council makes the above-specified findings. <br /> <br /> Section 2: The Miscellaneous Fee Schedule for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 is <br />hereby adopted. Each fee or service charge set forth shall be levied until further <br />resolution of this Council. <br /> <br />Section 3: To the extent that any fee or service charge established pursuant to <br />City Resolution No. 2020-053 is inconsistent with the fees or service charges <br />established pursuant to this Resolution, then said Resolution No. 2020-053 is hereby <br />repealed. <br /> <br />Section 4: If any charge, fee, service charge, section, subsection, sentence, <br />clause, phrase or word of this Resolution is for any reason held to be invalid by a court <br />of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining <br />portions of this Resolution. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed <br />and adopted this Resolution, and each and all provisions hereof, irrespective of the fact <br />that one or more provisions may be declared invalid. <br /> <br /> Section 5: This Resolution shall be operative from and after July 1, 2021. <br /> <br />