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Santa Ana 2020 Urban Water Management Plan <br /> <br />3-9 <br />Based on the zoning designation collected and aggregated by Southern California Association of <br />Governments (SCAG) around 2018, the current land use within the City’s service area can be categorized <br />as follows: <br /> Single family residential – 48% <br /> Multi-family residential – 14.1% <br /> Commercial – 10.8% <br /> Industrial – 7.1% <br /> Institutional/Governmental – 10.3% <br /> Open space and parks – 8.4% <br /> Other – 1.1% (e.g., Undevelopable or Protected Land, Water, and Vacant) <br /> No land use designations – 0.2% <br />3.5.2 Projected Land Uses <br />Moving forward, the City will continue planning for its RHNA allocation and new developments may <br />potentially include Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). <br />RHNA - State law requires jurisdictions to provide their share of the RHNA allocation. SCAG determines <br />the housing growth needs by income for local jurisdictions through RHNA. The City’s RHNA allocation for <br />the 2021 - 2029 is 3,095 units. This includes 586 units for very low-income households, 362 units for <br />low-income households, 523 units for moderate-income households, and 1,624 units for above <br />moderate-income households. <br />Accessory Dwelling Units – ADUs are separate small dwellings embedded within residential properties. <br />There has been an increase in the construction of ADUs in California in response to the rise in interest to <br />provide affordable housing supply. The Legislature updated the ADU law effective January 1, 2020 to <br />clarify and improve various provisions to promote the development of ADUs. (AB-881, "Accessory <br />dwelling units," and AB-68, "Land use: accessory dwelling units”) These include: <br /> allowing ADUs and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADUs) to be built concurrently with a <br />single-family dwelling. JADUs max size is 500 square feet (sf). <br /> opening areas where ADUs can be created to include all zoning districts that allow single-family <br />and multi-family uses <br /> maximum size cannot be less than 850 sf for a one-bedroom ADU or 1,000 sf for more than one <br />bedroom (California Department of Housing and Community Development, 2020) <br />About 92% of the ADUs in California are being built in the single family zoned parcels (University of <br />California Berkeley, 2020). The increase in ADUs implies an increase in number of people per dwelling <br />unit which potentially translates to higher water demand. <br />In coordination with the General Plan Advisory Group, the City identified the following five focus areas <br />suitable for new growth and development in the October 2020 Public Hearing Draft General Plan: <br /> South Main Street <br /> Grand Avenue/17th Street <br /> West Santa Ana Boulevard <br /> 55 Freeway/Dyer Road