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Santa Ana 2020 Urban Water Management Plan <br /> <br />4-6 <br /> Water Use Projections for 2021-2025 <br />The water use projection for normal year conditions without drought for 2021-2025 is presented in Table <br />4-2. This table will be adjusted to estimate the five-years’ cumulative drought effects as described in the <br />five-year DRA in Section 7. A linear increase in total water demand is expected between 2021 and 2025. <br />Table 4-2: Water Use Projections for 2021 to 2025 <br />Retail: Total Water Demand <br />FY Ending 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 <br />Total Water Demand (AF) 33,568 33,647 33,725 33,804 33,882 <br />NOTES: <br /> Water Use Projections for 2025-2045 <br />Table 4-3 is a projection of the City’s water demand for 2025-2045. While single and multifamily <br />residential use is projected to decrease due to water use efficiency measures, usage by CII is projected <br />to increase. CII projections for 2025 through 2045 were broken down into commercial, industrial, and <br />institutional/governmental using proportions reported for each billing sector in FY 2019-20. Demands for <br />large landscape applications are projected to stay consistent, as are projections for non-revenue water. <br />The demand data presented in this section accounts for passive savings in the future. Passive savings <br />are water savings as a result of codes, standards, ordinances and public outreach on water conservation <br />and higher efficiency fixtures. Passive savings are anticipated to continue through 2045 and will result in <br />continued water saving and reduced consumption levels. Permanent water conservation requirements <br />and water conservation strategies are discussed in Section 8 and 9 of this document.