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Proposed FY 2021-22 General Fund Expenditure: $353.8M <br />†Rounded to the nearest hundred thousand <br />* Other includes: Transfer to Cannabis ($13.0M), <br />Transfer to Fund 051 (Fire Station #1 -Loan Repayment to WC) ($0.3M), Transfer to Train Station (1.0M) <br />Transfer to Fund 074 (0.7M), Non-Dept. ($2.2M), CDA ($3.6M), HR ($3.3M), & Bowers ($1.5M) <br />** General Government includes: City Attorney ($3.0M), City Manager ($2.5M), Clerk ($2.1M) & Legislative ($0.6M) <br />† <br />2 <br />Parks & Rec, 7%, 23.3M <br />Public Works, 4%, 15.7M <br />Planning & Building, 4%, 15.6M <br />Finance, 3%, 10.4M <br />Transfer for Debt Payment, 3%, 9.0M <br />General Government**, 2%, 8.2M <br />Library, 2%, 5.9M <br />Police, 40%, 141.1M <br />Fire, 15%, 51.6M <br />Unfunded Pension <br />Liability, 13%, 47.0M Other*, 7%, 26.0M