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Proposed Fiscal Year 2021-22 City Budget, Changes to the City’s Basic Classification <br />and Compensation Plan and the Seven-Year Capital Improvement Program <br />June 1, 2021 <br />Page 3 <br />1 <br />7 <br />7 <br />4 <br />May 24 June 1 <br />Re covery f rom the Pande mi c 6,000,000 7,200,000 <br />Dire ct Assi stance Programs 20,613,881 24,613,881 <br />Publ i c He al th & Saf e ty 14,000,000 14,000,000 <br />Cri ti cal Infrastructure 24,000,000 19,500,000 <br />City Fiscal Heal th 14,880,000 14,180,000 <br />79,493,881$79,493,881$ <br />The proposed FY21-22 budget Ordinance does not include appropriations for the <br />spending plan. On June 15, staff will propose a budget adjustment for City Council to <br />appropriate the first tranche of allocations for FY21-22. Federal ARPA funding must be <br />obligated by December 31, 2024 and fully spent by December 31, 2026. <br />City Council Direction from May 24 Budget Workshop <br />The proposed General Fund budget includes resources of $353,975,774 ($340,944,200 <br />of revenue + $13,031,574 available fund balance in excess of 18% Reserve requirement) <br />and spending of $353,816,770 ($329,113,180 of expenditures + $24,703,590 of transfers <br />to other funds primarily for debt payments). The net resources available is $159,004, <br />which is not sufficient to add all City Council requests. <br />The City Council could direct staff to make the following amendments to the proposed <br />Budget Ordinance to fit within estimated available resources: <br />1. Postpone the Charter Amendments Ballot Measure until November 2022. The <br />proposed budget currently includes an estimated cost of $660,000 for a special <br />election to coincide with the gubernatorial recall election. The Clerk of the Council <br />has received a cost estimate of $370,000 for a regular election in November 2022. <br />2. The proposed General Fund budget includes $200,000 for the Legal Defense Fund <br />and the proposed Cannabis Set-Aside Fund budget includes $100,000 for <br />Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Increase the General Fund budget <br />by $100,000 to provide a total of $300,000 for the Legal Defense Fund. <br />3. Include $100,000 in the General Fund budget for City sponsorship of local Arts <br />and Culture events. <br />4. Include funding for a Vietnamese Community Liaison. A part-time position has an <br />estimated cost of $60,000 and a full-time position has an estimated cost of <br />$150,000. If funding is included, staff will create the job classification and return <br />to the City Council for final approval prior to conducting a recruitment. <br />5. Include a one-time allocation of $1,000,000 for sidewalk improvements from the <br />available Gas Tax fund balance, and a recurring annual allocation of $250,000 for <br />median maintenance from Gas Tax revenue. <br />If the City Council directs staff to make amendments #1-#4, the net result will provide for <br />a reduction in use of reserves.