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Proposed Fiscal Year 2021-22 City Budget, Changes to the City’s Basic Classification <br />and Compensation Plan and the Seven-Year Capital Improvement Program <br />June 1, 2021 <br />Page 5 <br />1 <br />7 <br />7 <br />4 <br />A summary of the proposed FY21-22 General Fund budget identifying recurring activity <br />and one-time activity follows. <br />Propose d FY21-22 Gene ral Fund Budge t Re curring One-Time Total <br />Re ve nue 340,944,200$ 340,944,200$ <br />Ex pendi ture s (328,453,180)(660,000)(329,113,180) <br />Inte rfund Transf e rs (24,703,590)(24,703,590) <br />Ne t Acti vi ty (12,212,570)$ (660,000)$ (12,872,570)$ <br />Charter Requirement for Public Recreation Program Spending <br />Santa Ana Charter Section 607 requires the City Council to adopt a budget to “provide <br />for the support of public recreation programs at least the equivalent of six cents (6) on <br />each one hundred dollars ($100) of the assessed value of taxable property in the City on <br />the legal assessment date for the previous fiscal year.” The net taxable value of property <br />in the City for FY20-21 was $29,107,443,521. If we apply the calculation required by the <br />Charter, the required budget for public recreation programs is $17,464,466. The proposed <br />General Fund budget includes $23,289,740 for the Parks, Recreation & Community <br />Services Agency, appropriations totaling $5,864,340 for Library Services, and $9,637,690 <br />for Youth Services funded by Cannabis tax revenue. <br />City Wide Budget <br />The proposed FY21-22 City Wide Budget includes the General Fund and all other funds <br />of the City, including those with internal restrictions and those with external restrictions. <br />A summary of the City Wide Budget follows. <br />Proposed FY21-22 Budget General Fund Other Funds*Total Ci ty Wi de <br />Reve nue 340,944,200$ 252,018,210$ 592,962,410$ <br />Ex pe nditures (329,113,180)(321,696,800)(650,809,980) <br />Interfund Transfe rs (24,703,590)24,902,330 198,740 <br />Net Activi ty (12,872,570)$ (44,776,260)$ (57,648,830)$ <br />*Excludes Internal Service Funds <br />Exhibits 2 and 4 include individual information for each fund. <br />Workforce Changes <br />Each year, there are many workforce changes, including additions and reclassifications <br />of positions. Exhibit 3 includes a detailed table of proposed workforce changes to full-time <br />staff and the Classification and Compensation Plan Resolution (Exhibit 5) includes <br />classification additions impacted by those changes. <br />A summary of proposed workforce changes follows.