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Item 14 - Amend. to FY 20/21 MOU w/ SAPD HEART & Esg Sub. Agree. w/ 2-1-1 OC
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
05/04/2021 Regular
Item 14 - Amend. to FY 20/21 MOU w/ SAPD HEART & Esg Sub. Agree. w/ 2-1-1 OC
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8/21/2023 4:56:39 PM
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8/21/2023 4:55:58 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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H. Licensing <br />The SUBRECIPIENT agrees to obtain and maintain all required licenses, registrations, accreditation, and inspections <br />from all agencies governing its operations. The SUBRECIPIENT shall ensure that its staff and subcontractors shall <br />also obtain and maintain all required licenses, registrations, accreditation and inspections from all agencies governing <br />the SUBRECIPIENT's operations hereunder. Such licensing requirements include obtaining a City business license, <br />as applicable. <br />L Responsibilities Toward Employees <br />The SUBRECIPIENT accepts full responsibility for payment of any and all unemployment compensation, <br />insurance premiums, workers' compensation premiums, income tax withholdings, social security withholdings, <br />and any and all other taxes or payroll withholdings required for all employees engaged in the performance of the <br />work and activities authorized by the AGREEMENT. The SUBRECIPIENT accepts full responsibility for <br />providing workers with proper safety equipment and taking any and all necessary precautions to guarantee the <br />safety of workers or persons otherwise affected. <br />J. Insurance and Bonding <br />1)Generally. The SUBRECIPIENT shall maintain liability and property insurance to cover actionable legal <br />claims for liability or loss which are the result of injury to or death of any person, or damage to property <br />including property of Grantee) caused by the negligent acts or omissions, or negligent conduct of the <br />SUBRECIPIENT, its employees, agents or subcontractors, to the extent permitted by law, in connection with the <br />activities pursuant to this AGREEMENT. <br />The SUBRECIPIENT shall comply with the bonding and insurance requirements of 2 CFR 200.427, and 2 CFR <br />200.447. <br />The SUBRECIPIENT shall undertake self-insurance, or shall obtain, at its sole cost, a policy or policies of <br />commercial general liability insurance, or equivalent form. <br />Such insurance shall: (1) name the City of Santa Ana, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers as additional <br />insureds; (2) be primary with respect to insurance or self-insurance programs maintained by the CITY; (3) contain <br />standard separation of insureds provisions; and (4) give to the CITY prompt and timely notice of claim made or <br />suit instituted arising out of the SUBRECIPIENT's operations hereunder. <br />2) Limits. The SUBRECIPIENT shall maintain, at all times, the following minimum levels of Insurance, and <br />shall, without in any way altering its liability, obtain, pay for, and maintain insurance for the coverages and amounts <br />of coverage not less than those set forth below: <br />a. Workers' Compensation. Amount must comply with State and Federal Laws <br />b. Comprehensive General Liability. $1,000,000 combined single limit of liability for bodily injuries, <br />death, and property damage resulting from any one occurrence, including the following coverages: <br />i. Premises and Operations; and <br />60A-31 <br />EXHIBIT 1
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