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Annual Action Plan for CDBG, HOME and ESG Programs <br />May 4, 2021 <br />Page 3 <br />6 <br />8 <br />0 <br />budgets for the CDBG and ESG program in two separate staff reports. This is the first <br />year in which all three budgets for the CDBG, HOME and ESG programs have been <br />combined into one single staff report. Since all three programs are included in the City’s <br />Annual Action Plan, staff combined all three program budgets into one staff report. This <br />is consistent with how other similarly sized cities approve their Annual Action Plan and <br />funding allocations for the CBDG, HOME and ESG programs. <br />Community Development Block Grant Program Budget <br />The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program provides funds to improve <br />low to moderate-income neighborhoods, eliminate blight, and create a more stable <br />economic base. These funds may be used for a diverse range of programs including: <br />affordable housing, street improvements, park and public facilities improvements, <br />economic development, code enforcement, and public services. The City’s CDBG <br />allocation for Grant Year (GY) 2021, FY 2021-2022, is $5,558,720. <br />The proposed FY 2021-2022 CDBG Program and Funding Plan consists of the CDC <br />funding recommendations for nonprofit public service programs from 2020 and staff’s <br />funding recommendations from this year for administration and planning, code <br />enforcement, city capital improvements, and housing. The CDBG Program and Funding <br />Plan can be summarized in two general categories: 1) CDBG Program Funding <br />Plan/Capital Projects; and 2) Public Services. A summary of the process and allocation <br />for the FY 2021-2022 CDBG Program is provided below for both general categories. <br />Capital Projects/CDBG Program Funding Plan <br />The FY 2021-2022 CDBG Program Funding Plan includes the funding allocations for <br />administration and planning, code enforcement in low- to moderate-income areas of the <br />city to address health and safety violations, economic development to provide small <br />business grants, nonprofit public services, city capital improvement projects and single- <br />family rehabilitation loans (Exhibit 2). The CDBG allowable cap of 20 percent for <br />administration and fair housing services is estimated to be $1,111,744 for FY 2021-2022. <br />Administration is necessary for staffing, compliance, reporting, fiscal management, and <br />monitoring of the entire program. Fair housing is necessary due to CDBG requirements <br />that the City affirmatively further fair housing. Four new city capital improvement projects <br />are recommended for funding, which include the following: <br />1) $554,582 for ADA curb ramp improvements in CDBG eligible areas. <br />2) $1,100,000 for residential street improvement in the Heninger Neighborhood. <br />3) $600,000 for Phase II of the Santa Anita Park Improvements. <br />4) $400,000 for sidewalk improvements in CDBG eligible areas. <br />5) $300,000 for active transportation safety improvements to enhance the safety of <br />the local community with the installation of pedestrian hybrid rapid flashing <br />beacons.