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Terms and Conditions to the Agreement <br /> <br />9 <br />v100120 <br />rightfully received by Recipient from a third party without violation of a duty of confidentiality; or (D) is or was <br />independently developed by or for Recipient. <br />(c) Obligations of Confidentiality. <br />(i) As necessary to accomplish the purposes and objectives of this Agreement, Recipient may disclose Discloser’s <br />Confidential Information to any Recipient employee, officer, director, subcontractor, agent or representative who <br />has a legitimate need to know the information for the purposes of this Agreement and who is bound to Recipient to <br />protect the confidentiality of the information in a manner at least as stringent as that required o f Recipient under this <br />Agreement. Recipient may also disclose Discloser’s Confidential Information to Recipient’s attorneys if they are <br />made aware of Recipient’s obligations of confidentiality under this Agreement. <br />(ii) Recipient will not use or reproduce Discloser’s Confidential Information except as reasonably required to <br />accomplish the purposes and objectives of this Agreement or as specifically permitted by this Agreement or <br />approved in writing by Discloser. Recipient will protect Discloser’s Confidential Information from unauthorized use <br />or disclosure by using at least the same degree of care as Recipient employs to avoid unauthorized use or <br />disclosure of its own Confidential Information of a similar nature, but in no event less than reasonable care. <br />(iii) Recipient will promptly notify Discloser if Recipient becomes aware of any material unauthorized use, <br />disclosure, loss of, or inability to account for any Confidential Information of Discloser. If such use, disclosure, loss <br />or inability to account resulted from Recipient’s breach of this Agreement then, without limiting Discloser’s remedies <br />for such breach, Recipient will cooperate with Discloser and, at Discloser’s request, undertake commercially <br />reasonable efforts to assist Discloser in investigating and preventing a reoccurrence thereof. <br />(iv) Recipient shall be responsible for any breach of the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement by any party <br />to whom it discloses or makes available Discloser’s Confidential Information as if such party were bound by the <br />terms hereof and as if such breach were committed by Recipient. <br />(d) No Implied Rights. As between Discloser and Recipient, Discloser’s Confidential Information will remain the <br />property of Discloser. Nothing contained in the Agreement will be construed as obligating a Party to disclose its <br />Confidential Information to the other Party, or as granting to or conferring on a Party, expressly or by implication, <br />any rights or licenses to the Confidential Information of the other Party. Any such obligation or grant w ill only be as <br />provided pursuant to other provisions of the Agreement. <br />(e) Compelled Disclosure. If Recipient becomes legally compelled to disclose any Confidential Information of <br />Discloser in a manner not otherwise permitted by this Agreement, Recipient will provide Discloser with prompt <br />written notice of the request (unless legally precluded from doing so) so that Discloser may seek a protective order <br />or other appropriate remedy. Recipient will reasonably cooperate with such efforts by Discloser. If a prot ective <br />order or similar order is not obtained by the date by which Recipient must comply with the request, Recipient may <br />furnish that portion of the Confidential Information it is legally required to furnish provided that it (i) discloses only <br />such Confidential Information as is legally required, and (ii) uses commercially reasonable efforts to obtain <br />confidential treatment for any Confidential Information so disclosed. <br />(f) Return or Destruction. <br />(i) As requested by Discloser during the Term, Recipient will retur n, destroy, or provide Discloser a copy of any <br />designated Confidential Information of Discloser, provided that TPx will not be liable for any failure or delay in its <br />performance of Services to the extent resulting from its obligation to return, erase, or d estroy Confidential <br />Information of Customer in its possession prior to the completion of the Services. Upon expiration or termination of <br />this Agreement, Recipient will return or destroy all materials in any medium that contain Confidential Information of <br />Discloser. At Discloser’s request, Recipient will certify in writing that it has returned or destroyed all copies of <br />Discloser’s Confidential Information in the possession or control of Recipient, any of Recipient’s Affiliates or <br />subcontractors, or any other party to whom any of them provided or permitted access to Confidential Information of <br />Discloser. <br />ENV91971328-9742-EAEE-4663-DBAC <br />03/11/2021 21:41 PM UTC