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Terms and Conditions to the Agreement <br /> <br />14 <br />v100120 <br />(j) Order of Precedence. If there is any conflict within the Agreement between the TAA, MSA or Service <br />Agreement (as applicable), these Terms and Conditions and an Agreement and any document incorporated by <br />reference into an Agreement or an Addenda, the parties will attempt to read any such conflicting provisions <br />consistently; however, in the event such a consistent reading cannot be accomplished, the order of precedence will <br />be as follows (i) with regard to Tariffed Services, Section 1(b) of these Terms and Conditions; (ii) amendments to <br />the Agreement entered into following the effective date of the Agreement; (iii) the TAA, MSA or Service Agreement <br />(as applicable); (iv) these Terms and Conditions, except to the extent that an Agreement expressly references a <br />provision of these Terms and Conditions and then, only with respect to such Agreement, the Agreement will control <br />with regard to the referenced provision; (v) the Agreement; and (vi) other documents incorporated by reference into <br />an Agreement. <br />(k) Grant of License to Use Customer’s Name and Trademark. Customer agrees to grant and does hereby grant <br />to TPx a non-exclusion, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, and royalty-free license to use and reproduce <br />Customer’s name, logos, and trademarks on TPx’s sales and marketing materials, advertising and website at any <br />time during the term of this Agreement. <br />(l) Interpretation of Agreement. The word “including” will be construed to mean “including, without limitation”. The <br />word “or” will mean “and/or” unless the context requires otherwise. The words “day,” “month,” and “year” mean, <br />respectively, calendar day, calendar month and calendar year. The Agreement will be fairly interpreted in <br />accordance with its terms and without strict construction in favor of or against either party based on the identity of <br />the drafter of the Agreement or any term or provision thereof. <br />(m) No Third Party Beneficiaries. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Agreement is intended for the sole <br />and exclusive benefit of the signatories and is not intended to benefit any third party or deemed to provide third <br />parties with any remedy, claim, right of action, or other right. <br />(n) Survival. Sections 4 - 9 and Section 11 of the Agreement, inclusive of sub-sections, will survive any termination <br />or expiration of the Agreement and will continue in full force and effect until they are satisfied in full or by their nature <br />expire. <br />(o) Headings. The headings used in the Agreement are for convenience only and do not in any way limit or <br />otherwise affect the meaning of any of the terms. <br />(p) Waiver. Under no circumstances will either party’s failure to enforce any provision of the Agreement in any <br />particular instance be construed as a waiver of that provision. <br />(q) Notices. All notices from Customer to TPx must be in writing and delivered by certified mail, return receipt <br />requested or by Federal Express or other similar expedited delivery service to: U.S. TelePacific Corp., Attn. General <br />Counsel, 515 S. Flower Street, 45th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071-2201. If Customer notifies TPx that it does not <br />wish to renew Services, Customer’s written notice may be by a letter delivered in that manner or by an email to: <br /> <br />(r) Limitation on Actions. Any legal action (including but not limited to arbitration) arising in connection with this <br />Agreement must be commenced within two (2) years after the cause of action arises. <br />(s) UCx Services. Customer agrees that its use of UCx Services provided by Webex for Broadwork s is subject <br />to the following: (a) the Cisco Universal Cloud Terms found at <br />software/universal-cloud-agreement.html , (b) the Cisco Privacy Data Sheets for Webex Meetings and Webex <br />Teams found at, and (c) the Cisco <br />End User License Agreement for the Cisco client software installed by Customer found at <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />ENV91971328-9742-EAEE-4663-DBAC <br />03/11/2021 21:41 PM UTC