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<br />In partnership with LAOCRC, the RPU will expand sector partnerships by working with Orange <br />County chambers of commerce and other community and educational partners to identify <br />additional core team members who will support strengthening industry sector partnerships. <br />Orange County has many state, county, and local civic organizations, four community college <br />school districts, twenty-seven K-12 school districts, California State University and University of <br />California systems, and numerous other public and private stakeholders with a vested interest in <br />workforce and economic development. Such a large number of stakeholders requires a great <br />deal of commitment from the core group to build deep, sustainable relationships resulting in <br />career pathways and a steady pipeline of workers within our identified priority sectors. <br /> <br />This core team will be responsible for developing and carrying out an action plan that provides a <br />strategic and coordinated effort to unify business engagement efforts, identify and engage <br />industry champions, other businesses, and support partner organizations. The core team will <br />relaunch sector meetings in the four sectors to gather information about the challenges and <br />opportunities. After the initial meetings, employers will be invited to regular meetings to set <br />goals to address their needs and take actions with the partners on those goals. Meetings and <br />agendas will be employer-driven, and actions taken will create a pipeline of qualified candidates <br />who meet industry needs for in-demand occupations. <br /> <br />Although the RPU has started using the Next Gen model, fidelity is not as important as <br />determining the appropriate strategies tailored to the Orange County regional economy, industry <br />sectors, and worker populations. The RPU will schedule industry sector group meetings, and the <br />groups will begin to identify strategies, design appropriate programs and services, and then move <br />into the implementation of sector projects. Implementation will likely include a mix of basic <br />strategies that include: <br />• Training and skills development to bring new employees into specific industries and <br />occupations <br />• Business development <br />• Incumbent worker training <br />• Labor market and industry research <br />• Restructuring of work environments to improve recruitment, hiring, training, <br />compensation, and retention strategies <br />• Integrating two or more of these strategies in a multifaceted approach <br /> <br />2C. ENABLING UPWARD MOBILITY FOR ALL CALIFORNIANS <br />2Ci. Describe how the RPU will prioritize working with employers who provide <br />quality jobs that provide economic security through family-sustaining wages and <br />comprehensive benefits. This should include whether the RPU has, or plans to <br />develop, a formal policy related to job quality. <br />The Orange RPU is committed to identifying strategies that improve the workforce system, <br />ensuring that it enables economic growth and shared prosperity for employers and employees. <br />The California Workforce Development Board defines quality jobs as employment that provide <br />EXHIBIT 1