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Provide Direction for FY21-22 Budget <br />March 16, 2021 <br />Page 7 <br />roadway maintenance to satisfy the MOE. In light of the ongoing pandemic, OCTA is <br />currently considering some form of MOE relief for cities in FY 2021-22. The FY20-21 <br />MOE relief formula adopted by OCTA did not help the City of Santa Ana. If the OCTA <br />MOE increases for Santa Ana, the increase will be included in the draft FY 2021-22 <br />budget. <br />Additional Demands on the General Fund <br />There are additional demands for General Fund money, as described below. Once the <br />City is ready to add savings from pension debt refinancing to the FY 2021-22 budget, staff <br />may recommend additional spending from this list. <br />• Internal Service Fund Charges: Some departments/divisions provide internal <br />services to other departments (e.g. Building Maintenance), and account for costs <br />of the service in a separate internal service fund. The funding source for these <br />centralized service costs is charged to departments for their proportional use of <br />the service. Departments pay the charges from their budgets, many of which are <br />in the General Fund. Therefore, when costs to provide internal service increase, <br />the result is an increase to General Fund expenditures. <br />In prior years, internal service charges were sufficient for operations, and over <br />time, the internal service funds accumulated fund balances from unspent <br />allocations. As the General Fund budget constricted, internal service <br />departments/divisions relied on their accumulated fund balances instead of <br />increasing the charges to the General Fund. At least three internal service funds <br />have completely exhausted accumulated money from prior years, and must <br />increase charges to the General Fund to continue providing service. <br />Additional analysis is required, and the City Manager needs to vet department <br />budget requests. However, at this time, we believe there is a need to increase <br />internal service charges to the General Fund by approximately $2 million. <br />• Santa Ana Regional Transit Center (SARTC): The FY 2020-21 budget included a <br />one-time $1.1 million General Fund subsidy for SARTC. With the Midyear Budget <br />Update, staff reported an estimated negative fund balance of $2.2 million at June <br />30, 2021, as well as an ongoing budget deficit for SARTC. It is common for <br />government to subsidize public transit centers as they provide external benefits <br />such as stimulating economic development and reducing traffic congestion. For <br />example, the City of Anaheim subsidizes its transit center with transfers from its <br />convention and sports complexes. Although the City is exploring ways to increase <br />tenant occupancy and lease revenue, the draft FY 2021-22 budget will likely <br />include a proposed ongoing subsidy for operations. However, SARTC also needs <br />a one-time General Fund subsidy to cure the negative fund balance. <br />