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Lessor to comply with new or existing Applicable Requirements relating to commercial building energy usage, ratings, and/or the reporting thereof. <br />12.—Assignment andSubletttng. <br />13 l-lanar's Consent Required. <br />(a) —lessee shall not voluntatllyerby-ope ration of tawasslgn, Uaruler, mortaafl< or encumber (collecttvelyt "assign ov asrtgn mvol'lf-Qr-tubial all or any ■ <br />part of Lessee's Interest In this l»«i or in th» Premises-wlthoublenor's prior written consent. <br />(b) —Unlati lessee It a corporadenandiss. swells. publicly traded an a national stockexshinge, achange In-shecantrol of lessee thaU-constltute an. <br />assignment-requiring consent-.The transfer, on a cumulative basis, ef 3SStermor« of the noting to rural at Lattaa shall cer.tbUits a change in control for this purpose. <br />W—The Invelvement-ef. lessee or lit amtt In any stansactlen,.<>r-setiesof transactions-(by way of merger, tale, acquisition,-financing, .transfer, leveraged <br />buy-oulut otherwise), whether ox not a formal assignment or hypcthecation.otsbls Uate or lessee's assets occuri, which results or-will result ia-areduction oftha <br />Nat Worth of lessee, by an amount greater than ISXef such Net Worth ai It,was represented at the time of the execution of this lease or at lha time of the most <br />recant attignmant to which tartar hasconsented,-otas It exists Immediately prior tn-saldtransaction or transactions constituting, suthreduction, whichever was er is <br />greater, shall be considered an alignment of thls.laasa to which Utcor may withhold its content, "Nat Worth-of lessee'1 shall mean worth of Lessee <br />(e«luriingaayguaranU>ts)ettabllshed under generally accepted accounting principles. <br />(d) —Anatsigmnens ocioblettlng without consent shall, atlessorfs option, be a default curable after notice per Paragraph 13.1(d), opa.noncurablo.Broach <br />without tha necessity of anynotice and grace period.. l( lessor elects to.treat-cue h-unapproved attignmant or sublettlnfl at a nencutabla Breach,'lessor may either; (i| <br />terminate thit-leaso,or.(ii) upon-jO-dayt written notice, increate.the monthly Bate Ront-W-llOX-efthe Bate Rent then In effect. Eurther, In the arrant ef such Breach <br />and-rontaLadjustment, (l)-the porchate price ol any option to purchase the Rraroiws-haldby Ucteeshall be subjectto slmllar-adjustment to UOy-of-thopsica <br />provioutiyin effect, and (II) all fixed-and norufaedrental adjustments scheduled during the remalndorssf the Lease term shall be IncraatedlollOSC of tha scheduled <br />adjusted tent. <br />(a) —UtteeU romodyforany breach of Paragraph. 11.1 by Lessor shall be limitodW compensatory damages, and/or Injunctive-relief. <br />W—lessor may reasonably withhold content to a proposed assignmentor-sublettlng II Lessee Is in Default at the time content is requested. <br />(g) ... Notwithstanding, the forego in gr-allowlng-a-do-minimis portion of Iha-Premltet, ie. 30-square (eet or lest, to be uied-bya third party vendor, In <br />coneection with the Installation of a vending machine or-payphone shall not constitute a subletting. <br />13.3 Terms end Condlttoni-Appltcablo te Assignment end Subletting. <br />la)—Regardless-nf I pstnr's rnnsnnt siihlBtttng shell-jl) ha nffprrtua wlihnnr the e.prattMulttea hy nuh assignee nr <br />sublessee pf-tbo-obllgations of lesiee under this Lease, (II) release lessee of any obligations hereueder,-<xjilij aUeclhe primary liability of lessee far the payment of <br />Renter, tor-the perfotmance of any other obligation*, te be performed by lessee. <br />(b) —lesser may accept Bent or. performance of lessee's obUgattons-from any person-other than lessee pending approualor dlsapptovalof an assignment- <br />Neither a delay-in the-approyaior-dltapproval of such assignment nor the-acceptance el Rent, or performance shall conctitute a waiver or estoppel at lessods-sighlto. <br />exetclsedts-remedles for lessee's Default or- Breach. <br />(c) —Lessor's content te any assignment or subletting shall not constitute, a consent to any-subsequent assignment or subletting. <br />id) —In the event of anyOefault or-&reach by lessee, lessor may-psoceeddirectly against lessee, any guarantors or anyoneolse responsible tor the <br />performance oMessae't obligations undenthls leaser4ncluding any assignee or tubletceerwithouHirst. exhausting-lessor's remedies against any, other person or <br />entUvresponsible-therefor te lessor,or any security held by lessor. <br />ie) —lash request ter consenl to an assignmentor subletting shall be In writing, accompanied by infocmatlon-releuant to- lescos'edeterminatlen at to the <br />haand aland operational rasponclblllty and appropriateness of the proposed, assignee or sublessee, including but-not limited to the Intended ut»and/or. requited <br />modification of the Premises,Hanfr together with a. fee of $500 at consideration-ter lessor's considering and processing said request—lessee agrees, toproulde lescor. <br />with such other or additfonallnforroattonand/ may be reasonably requested, (lea also Paragraph 36) <br />(i)—Any assignee of, or sublessee under, this lease shall, by reatenof accepting tuch-ascign«nentrantering..|nto«uch sublease,et entering into possession- <br />of the Bremltesaar-ony portion thereof, be deemed to haue attumod-and agreed te conform-and comply with each and every term, covenant, conditlen and obligation <br />herein to be observed oiperformedby let see during theterm of said-assignment, os sublease, other than such.obllgatlont at are contrary-to orlnconclstent-wlth <br />ptoyislons of-an assignment or sublease to which.Lessor bat specifically consented to In writing. <br />(g)—lessor's consent te any assignment er subletting shall not transfer to the assignee or sublet tee. any Option granted to the original lessee by this lease <br />unletteuch-Uantfecic specifically consented to by lessor- In writing, (See Paragraph-39.2) <br />13.3 Additional Terms and^ondltions Applicable to isibletting. The f ollowingterms and conditions shall apply to any-subletting by letteeof all or any part-ot- <br />the deemed included Jaallsubleatet under, this lease whether .or not-expressly Incorporated therein-. <br />(a) —lecseebofebyessigns and trancfers lo lessor all of Lessee's Interest In-all Rent payable on any sublease, and Lescot may collect such Rent and apply <br />sametoward lessee's obligations under this lease; provided, however, that until a Breach shall occur in-the performance of. lessee's obligations, lessee may collecb <br />said Rent.-ln.the event that.the amount.collected by lessocexceeds lessee's than outstanding obligations any such-excospshall-bocefundedAO-lossae. lessor shall <br />not, by reason of the foregoing or any assignment of stich. sublease,, reason of. the collection of Rent, be deemed liable to the sublessee for, any failure of lessee <br />to perform and comply with any of lessee^ obllgatlonc to such sublessee.-lessee hereby Irrevocably authorises and directs any such sublessee, upon-rocoipt ofa- <br />writtan.aotico.fipro.lacsoT.slating that a Breach exists-in the performance of lessee's obligations under this loaso, to pay to lessor all Rent due and to become due- <br />under the sublease, lublessee-shall rely upon any suchnotice from lessor and shall pay allRontptoLessor.without.enyobllgatlondrjIghtCo inquire as to whether- <br />such Breach exists, notwithstanding -any claim from lessee to the contrary. <br />(b) —In the-event-of-a-8roach by-lessee, Ussoc-may,et.lts.option, require sublessee to attorn to Lessor, In which event lessor shall undertake the. <br />obligations ot-the sublessor under such sublease from the time of theexetclteof said option totheoxpiialfon.ofcuch cubleasei provided, however, Ucsor.shall <br />liable for-any-prepaid rents or security deposit paid by such sublessee to cuch sublessor ot-for anyptlor defaults or Breaches of such sublessor, <br />(c) —Any matter requiring the content of. the sublessor, under-a-sublease-shall also sequlre the con sent el-lassos- <br />Id)—No sublessee shallfurther-assign or aublet-all or- any part of the Promises without lessor's prior written consent. <br />(e) —lessor shall deliver a.copyof-any.notice-olOefault or Breach by lessee to the tubleisee, who shall have the rlght to euro the Default of lestee withlo. <br />the grace-period,, if-any, specHied In cuch notice.-The sublessee shall have aright of reimbursement and-offset from andagasnst lessee fos-any such Defaults cured by <br />the sublessee. <br />| 13. Oefault; Breach) Remedies. <br />13.1 Default; Breach. A "Default" Is defined as a failure by the Lessee to comply with or perform any of the terms, covenants, conditions or Rules and <br />Regulations under this lease. A "Breach" Is defined as the occurrence of one or more of the following Defaults, and the failure of lessee to cure such Oefault within <br />; " ble grace period: <br />INITIALS <br />® 2019 AIR CRE. All Rights Reserved. <br />STN-27.30, Revised 11-25-2019 <br />Last Edited: 2/25/20219:53 AM <br />Page 9 of 16