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EXHIBIT "B" - DESCRIPTION OF LESSEE USES <br />The property will be used as an emergency homeless shelter and ancillary uses thereto are center, <br />health clinic, and ancillary office space. Services to be provided include case management, housing <br />navigation, behavioral health and substance use counseling, healthcare coordination, and job <br />development. Outdoor property perimeter will be covered with screened fences to limit visibility into the <br />area. Outdoor facilities will include client storage area, pet accommodations, smoking area, outdoor <br />common area, recreational area, and temporary modular housing. There will be 24/7 security guard <br />presence at the property to promptly resolve any security issues that may arise. In addition, this property <br />is not a walk-in facility. All client transportation to and from the facilities will be provided. In addition, <br />there is a Good Neighbor Policy which will be implemented by Lessee (and its Third Party Operator) to <br />promote positive communication and relationship with neighbors on an ongoing basis. <br />12926447.1 <br />21