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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />NOTES TO SCHEDULE OF MEASURE X REVENUES AND USES/EXPENDITURES <br />For the year ended June 30, 2020 <br />1. REVENUES AND USES/EXPENDITURES: <br />Measure X revenues consist of the 1.5 cent transactions and use (i,e. "sales") tax approved by the voters of <br />Santa Ana on November 6, 2018 and became effective April 1, 2019. Total revenue collected in fiscal year <br />2019-20 was $61,796,957. <br />Measure X is a general-purpose tax, which means the revenues received from the tax go into the City's <br />General Fund to maintain or enhance any lawful City program, improvement or service such as maintain <br />effective 9-1-1 response; retaining firefighters and police officers; addressing homelessness; fixing streets; <br />maintaining parks; and unrestricted general revenue purposes. Total Measure X uses/expenditures for fiscal <br />year 2019-20 were $49,011,908. The largest program expense was unrestricted general revenue purposes <br />totaling approximately $28,201,426, which included the following: <br />• Addressing prior year deficits and employee compensation increases for non -Safety employees <br />totaling $21.0 million <br />• Street Tree Maintenance - $3.7 million <br />• Vehicle Incentive Program - $0.7 million <br />• Streetlight retrofit Debt Service - $0.8 million <br />• Building Roof repair and replacement - $0.7 million <br />• Other Programs (various) - $1.3 million <br />The revenues are higher than uses/expenditures reported for the period, however management has <br />designated the excess as follows: <br />• Additions to Reserves - $5.7 million <br />• Carryovers into Fiscal Year 2020-21 - $7.0 million <br />The following is a recap of the activity for fiscal year 2019-20: <br />Total Measure X Revenue <br />Total Measure X Uses/Expenditures <br />Additions to Reserves <br />Carryovers into Fiscal Year 2020-21 <br />Subtotal <br />3 <br />Amount <br />$ 61,796,957 <br />$ 49,011,908 <br />5,745,288 <br />7,039,761 <br />$ 61,796,957 <br />