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EXHIBIT 1 <br />T iW� <br />1 _ Financial Solutions <br />TO: KATHRYN DOWNS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND CITY TREASURER <br />FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES AGENCY, CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />FROM: MICHAEL BUSCH, CEO <br />DATE: DECEMBER 10, 2020 <br />RE: STRATEGIES FOR ADDRESSING CALPERS PENSION LIABILITY <br />This memorandum has been drafted in conjunction with the development of a customized <br />pension model used to analyze and evaluate solutions to address the City of Santa Ana (the <br />"City") pension liabilities, based on the most recent actuarial reports dated, June 30, 2019. We <br />have analyzed several potential strategies and developed two pension obligation options for <br />consideration and outlined the necessary validation process required prior to the issuance of <br />bonds. <br />The analysis below is based on our eight (8) step process for analyzing CalPERS pension plans <br />their associated liabilities and to draw upon financial strategies to address current and future <br />liabilities. The objective of the study is to provide a summary of pension plan cost drivers and <br />develop a financial plan necessary to fund increasing liabilities. <br />D <br />Afy Issues, <br />Oresources & <br />4 Options <br />5 <br />AlignOptions <br />with O. <br />Resources <br />Present <br />Recommended <br />Options &Actions <br />Implement Plan <br />& Execute <br />8 1 Continual follow-up and monitoring <br />