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13. Is this a tax credit project? <br />a. RESPONSE: Yes, it is one of our funding sources. <br />14. Is there visitor parking? <br />a. RESPONSE: Yes, visitor parking is part of the overall parking supply to <br />better manage parking. <br />15. What is the development timeline? <br />a. RESPONSE: Currently we are in the early stages. We plan to start <br />construction in March of the year 2022. In total about a 15 month <br />construction period. <br />16. It was mentioned that % of the building will be for the Orangewood <br />Foundation. Who would qualify for it? <br />a. RESPONSE: We have partnered with Orangewood in other projects. They <br />would work with transitional youth onsite by providing wraparound <br />services. <br />17. Can you lower the unit count? <br />a. RESPONSE: No, there is a requirement on the state level that needs to be <br />met for affordable housing. We have an aggressive parking ratio for this <br />site. <br />18. Who's regulating the tenants breaking rules? Are we supposed to report <br />when we see tenants driving through our neighborhood or parking in our <br />streets? <br />a. RESPONSE: We have onsite professional property management that is <br />there to discuss and resolve issues. We have a property manager living <br />onsite who is always available. <br />19. How do we meet with city planners/staff? <br />a. RESPONSE: Our city planner is Selena Kelaher and you can reach out <br />directly to her. Her contact information is on the city website. <br />20. What are the benefits to the neighborhood? <br />a. RESPONSE: It is a huge investment for the neighborhood to provide <br />housing to those who lack housing and are unable to find it despite being <br />employed and living in the area. <br />21. Many years ago we tried to get one of our entrances closed because of the <br />cut through traffic, and the city said no. <br />a. RESPONSE: If there needs to be a renewed effort we are more than <br />willing to partner with the community to push hard to see that happen. <br />But that is ultimately a city decision. <br />22. Where can we send our suggestions? <br />a. RESPONSE: Contact information has been posted on one of our <br />PowerPoint slides for this presentation. <br />23. Who can we contact if we oppose the project? <br />a. RESPONSE: Selena Kelaher is a good place to start or contact us to discuss <br />further. We are committed to being very available? <br />24. Are we able to put a private gate on both entrances? <br />