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1/19/2021 <br />ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW NO. 2020-48 - CEQA <br />Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />Technical Studies: Air Quality, GHG and <br />Energy, Cultural Resource Assessment, <br />Geotechnical and Infiltration Study, Phase <br />Environmental Site Assessment, Traffic Impact <br />Analysis, Preliminary WQMP, Noise and <br />Vibration Study <br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting <br />Program with mitigation measures for: <br />Biological resources <br />Cultural resources <br />Geology and soils <br />Noise <br />Tribal cultural resources <br />• Traffic: <br />0 462 daily trips (31 a.m. and 37 p.m. peak trips) <br />0 83 additional trips per day on Huron Dr. <br />Fair share contribution for improvements at: <br />Westminster Ave. and Fairview St. <br />Mar Les Dr. and Westminster Ave. <br />0 16th St. and Fairview St. <br />• Noise: <br />• Exterior building materials to reduce interior noise <br />levels below 45 d BA <br />• Sound attenuation on private balconies/patios <br />• 8-foot high CMU wall between the playground <br />and single-family residences <br />• Traffic generated by the project would increase <br />traffic noise by less than 0.5 CNEL <br />Join us online at or dial (669) 900-9128, enter code 315 965 149, and dial *9 if you would like to comment on a specific item <br />