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Item 28 - GPA No. 2020-07, AA No. 2020-05 - Westview Housing
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
01/19/2021 Regular
Item 28 - GPA No. 2020-07, AA No. 2020-05 - Westview Housing
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City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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GPA No. 2020-07, AA No. 2020-05 - Westview Housing <br />January 19, 2021 <br />Page 6 <br />Amendment Application <br />The subject site is zoned General Commercial (C2). The development standards <br />pertaining to the commercial zoning district would render the project unfeasible. Approval <br />of an amendment application to change the zoning district is required for the project <br />(Exhibit 3). The Specific Development (SD) designation allows flexibility of the uses and <br />development standards that are tailored to a unique and specific project. There are two <br />nearby Specific Developments along Westminster Avenue/17t" Street: SD No. 36 (Solare <br />Apartment Homes) and, SD No. 41 (San Tropez Apartment Homes). In addition, the <br />proposed project is similar in scale and density with several existing multi -family <br />apartment projects including Solare Apartment Homes, San Tropez Apartment Homes <br />and Villa Portofino which are three -stories and range from 29 to 38 dwelling units per <br />acre. Additionally, the density is similar to the density permitted within the Harbor Mixed - <br />Use Transit Corridor Specific Plan - Transit Node North, which is west of the project site <br />and permits a range of 30 to 50 dwelling units per acre and permits heights between four <br />and ten stories. <br />If the zone change is approved, site -specific objectives, policies and development <br />standards will be used to guide the development of the proposed project such as <br />setbacks, parking and height to allow the exclusive entitlement of the affordable housing <br />project. The SD document has been drafted to be consistent with the project and prohibits <br />future modifications to enlarge or reduce the size of the project. The zone change needs <br />to be approved in conjunction with the proposed General Plan Amendment in order for <br />the project to be consistent with the General Plan. <br />California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) <br />A Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) including several technical studies (Air Quality, <br />Green House Gas, and Energy modeling, Cultural Resource Assessment, Preliminary <br />Geotechnical and Infiltration study, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Traffic <br />Impact Analysis, Preliminary WQMP, Noise and Vibration) was prepared for the project. <br />No areas of significance or unavoidable impacts were determined to occur from the <br />construction or operation of the proposed project with the implementation of mitigation <br />measures (Exhibit 1). The MND was available for public review and comment for 20-days <br />as required by CEQA. A total of two comments were received: one from the Orange <br />County Fire Authority and the second from a resident. Written responses to the comments <br />were prepared and incorporated into the environmental document. <br />As part of the MND and in response to comments received at the Sunshine meeting, a <br />Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Fehr & Peers and reviewed by the Public Works <br />Agency. The study concludes that the project would generate 462 daily trips (31 a.m. <br />peak trips and 37 p.m. peak trips). The study also analyzed if the project would <br />substantially increase traffic on the adjacent residential streets (16t" Street and Huron <br />Drive). Although there is no direct vehicular access or egress to Huron Drive, the project <br />
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