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GPA No. 2020-07, AA No. 2020-05 - Westview Housing <br />January 19, 2021 <br />Page 8 <br />provided on site and parking counts at another affordable housing development were <br />obtained and substantiate that the project provides adequate parking. The site has been <br />designed to place the buildings along the northwest portion of the site away from the <br />existing single-family dwellings and the buildings tier down to three -stories as the <br />buildings get closer to the adjacent single-family dwellings. As shown on the landscape <br />plan the south and west lot lines will be planted with a minimum of a 36-inch box tree <br />every 25 feet to screen the project. These site specific designs and standards are codified <br />within the Specific Development No. 97 plan. In addition, a detailed Traffic Impact <br />Analysis was prepared, with the Public Works Agency and Planning staff conducting an <br />outreach meeting to overview the results of the study. <br />Table 4: CEQA and Public Notification & Community Outreach <br />CEQA and Public Notification & Community Outreach <br />CEQA <br />CEQA Type <br />Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) Environmental Review No. <br />2020-48, with technical studies was prepared for the project. No <br />areas of significance or unavoidable impacts were determined to <br />occur from the construction or operation of the proposed project <br />with the implementation of mitigation measures (Exhibit 1). The <br />project requires adoption of a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting <br />Program (MMRP), which contains mitigation measures to address <br />biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, noise, <br />and tribal cultural resources. <br />Public <br />A notice of intent and MND was circulated to interested parties and <br />Notification <br />published in the Orange County Register on November 6, 2020. <br />The draft MND was available for a 20-day public review at City Hall <br />and on the project webpa e on the Cit 's website. <br />Public Notification & Community Outreach <br />Required <br />A virtual community meeting was held on July 20, 2020 at 6:00 <br />Measures <br />p.m. in accordance with the provisions of the City's Sunshine <br />Ordinance and in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. <br />Invitations/notices were mailed to property owners and <br />occupants/tenants in a 500-foot radius from the project site. There <br />were approximately 19 Zoom participants. The applicant provided <br />all the required information to the City after the meeting. Details <br />from the community meeting were posted to the project's webpage <br />at <br />projects-and-monthly-development-project-reports/Westview- <br />Housin <br />Notification by mail was mailed to all property owners and <br />occupants within 500 feet of the project site on January 8, 2021. <br />Newspaper posting was published in the Orange County Register <br />on January 8, 2021. <br />